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I couldn't believe that she was back. That's what was going through my mind when I went to sleep last night and when I woke up this morning. I got dressed and headed downstairs to find everyone, including Alice, in the kitchen. I kind of was wishing she would bail again.

"Morning guys." I said. i got a bunch of murmurs back.

"Skylar I was um wondering if you wanted to go shopping with me today." Alice said and everyone stopped and staired. I was put in the most akaward position. I didn't want to say yes, but I also didn't want just say no, cause then I look like the bad guy.

"Um well I got to get to school." I said heading out to the truck. I felt so bad although I shouldn't. A few minutes later the guys came out laughing.

"Nice job Skylar you avoided that like a boss." Danny said hugging me. I punched him in the arm. "That's not funny, that was akaward." I said pouting. Me and Danny hoped in the bed of the truck while Leeland got in the passanger side and Riley drove.

When we got to school Danny helped me out and then they left. I walked to my first period. When I got there Mr. Jones was sitting in his chair with his feet prompt on his desk. He was drinking a cup of coffe and just chilling there. When I walked into the room he starred at me.

"What?" I asked heading to my seat. The bell hadn't rung yet so it was just me and him. I plopped down in the seat and faced him. He took another sip of his coffe.

"Nothing you look distrought, is there anything I can do for you Sky?" He asked and I raised my eyebrow. "Sky?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yep I like it, now stop avoiding the question and tell me whats up." He said smiling at me. His smile was blinnding and made him even more atrractive. I wouldn't normally tell my buisness, but he made me feel safe.

"My mother is whats wrong." I said sighing and putting my head in my hands. I heard shuffling and when I looked up he was sitting across from me.

"What did your mother do." He asked and I shook my head and laughed yet it held no humor. "She showed up, thats what she did." I said looking at him.

"Okay why is that a bad thing?" He asked looking confused.

"My mother left when I was born because she didn't accept my dad for who he is." I said and he nodded. "Well who is your dad?" He asked and I narrowed my eyes.

"He is a drag queen and don't you go judging him cause I'll cut off your balls and feed them to you." I said my voice going low and deadly. He scratched the back of his neck and focused his eyes else where.

"I don't judge I mean if he likes guys that-" I cut him off before he could finish. "No he likes women. My dad is just different thats all." I said looking at him.

"Oh okay. So your mom." I didnt bother to answer cause the bell had rung and signalled the beginning of first period.

The whole day passed without much happening and by the time I got home I was tired and ready for a nap. I went to my room and layed on my bed. A couple minutes of laying there and my phone beeped notifying me that I had a message.

'Hello' I looked and saw it was from a number I didnt notice.

'Who is this?' I asked confused at who had got my number.

'Cayden duh' I narrowed my eyes at that. How did he get my number.

'How did u get my number?'

'From ur phone cause Im awesome like that'He texted to which I rolled my eyes.

'Ur a creeper, what do u want' I asked smiling slightly.

'Come out side and I'll tell u' Now he sounded like a stalker.

'Um ok...' I got up and headed out side and saw him leaning against his car. I narrowed my eyes on him.

"Why do you know where I live?" I asked looking intently at him. He shrugged.

"I do work at the school I have my ways." He said smirking. I rolled my eyes and punched his arm. "What do you want exactly?" I asked crossing my arms. He rubbed his arm where I hit him.

" I just wanted to see if you wanted to go get something to eat and finish our talk?" He asked and I raised an eyebrow. "I dont think thats a good idea Mr.Jones." I said emphasizing his name.

"I may be your teacher Sky, but I'm also your friend. He said

"Ugh I guess, lets go." I said and he smiled. i got into the passenger side and he drove to Apple B's. When we got there we were seated and a very cute waiter came and took our order.

"Hello my name is James and I'll be your waiter tonight, so what can I get you?" he asked looking intently at me. I smiled a little and Cayden cleared his throat. "I will have a coke." He said and the waiter turned to me. "How about you?" He asked smiling.

"I'll have a coke as well." I said smiling sweetly at him. He was cute but wasnt my type. My type was Cayden, although its completly wrong I cant help it. He walked away and Cayden brought up conversation. I

"So want to continue our conversation?" He asked and I shook my head. "No I just want to relax and take my mind off things for a little bit." I said looking at him and he nodded. "That works." He said smiling.

The waiter came back and took our orders while trying to flirt some more. I guess Cayden got tired of it.

"Look here James were trying to have a good time here and quite frankly your annoying me so you can either leave me and my girlfriend alone or you can get fired your choice." He demanded and the guy nodded his head and left.

When he turned toward me I raised my eyebrow. "What was that about?" I asked not really bothered by the fact he called me his girlfriend, I actually like it.

"Sorry about that, that guy was bothering me." He said taking a sip of his soda. I didn't pry the conversation anymore.

We had a good time and it was really fun, something I needed.

"Thank you Cayden honestly." I said giving him a hug and heading to my house.

"No problem Sky. If you ever need me just give me a call no matter what the time." He said and I nodded. I headed in side to find Riley still up.

"Where were you?"He asked and I rolled my eyes. He was being the over protective brother that I loved at times and hated at times.

"I was out with a friend, I just needed to get out for awhile." I said and he nodded. "Next time can you tell some one please I was worried." He said wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"Of course I will butt munch." I said heading to my room. When I got in there I put on some night clothes and headed to bed with one specific person on my mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2013 ⏰

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