4// cannibal wyvern

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"Sour belt.." Pastel meringue said in an upsetting tone.

"What is it?"

"I can't sleep..can we go outside?"

"No Pastel meringue,a dragon may come and we would be in danger,especially in the situation that is happening right now"

Pastel meringue gets up and leaves walks to the door. "I don't give a shit what happens to me,I want fresh air and I'll get fresh air myself" He walks out the house.

Once he reached the city square he goes directly into the forest to look for the person that went into the woods.

The woods looked abandoned and it was almost pitch black and too hard to see through but that wasn't bothering Pastel meringue since he just wanted to get this over with and relax with the cold fresh breeze.

He goes deeper and deeper into the woods until he saw a person with peach coloured hair.

The girl turns around and raises her peachy bamboo stick.

"You wish to spar with me?,Lets see what you got meringue" she said bitterly while glaring at him.

Peach and Pastel meringue charge at each other and start fencing with their weapons as if they were swords.

This continues until Peach manages to trip over Pastel meringue by kicking him without his notice.

Pastel meringue falls over and looks up at Peach who jumps up and does a backflip which lands her a few inches away from him.

As she gets ready to charge at Pastel meringue something was rustling in the bushes.

"What's that noise?" Peach asks Pastel meringue.

"Does it look like I know" He said while getting up and brushing some dust of himself.

The rustling gets louder and louder until they both could hear a sound of a creature.

Peach shrugs it off and charges towards Pastel meringue.

As she charges towards him the creature comes out of no where and knocks over Peach then starts to eat her as she screams in agony.

Pastel meringue just watches in shock as he sees her head being crushed and eating and her organs get stomped on and come out of her mouth.

He starts vomit all over himself while the wyvern gets closer and closer to him.

The creature jumps onto him and puts its teeth into Pastel meringue's head and scratches his leg.

Pastel screams his lungs out until his throat gets sore. The screams Were loud enough to be heard by Royal margarine since he was near the woods.

He continues to scream as the wyvern bites down on his head hard again and then bites his other leg until the bones crack.

Pastel meringue was choking on his tears and his throat was getting dryer.

The wyvern runs off leaving Pastel meringue to die from blood loss,eventually Royal margarine finds him lying on the ground and still conscious.

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