#3# -melting colours-

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Few days later


Logi was in basement, there was a a open suitcase on the table who was empty at the moment. The basement dimply light, cause he pick to be dimply light cause his head is aready on fire so he have his own light. And this room of this basement have many cabinets who had many stuff, and weapons.

He walks to the cabinets and tries to remeber which cabinet have many drugs. Logi opens few cabinets, and finnaly find this.

And he picks drugs that boss made, when she was experimenting on other drugs and just wanting to make somting somone can't copy the drug correctly. And this is when they dont know what ingredients she made to make them feel good, and feel nice and having funny feeling to thier chest and soul. And boss made this drug to make somone addicted to this, feeling this way. And somone demanding more off this drug she made.

And he knows Boss said to everyone to never get addicted to some drug when they work for her, and when she notice that somone is addicted to somone she gonna on her own way, for them to not be addicted to drugs.

He grabs many bags and stuffs them into a suitcase, and when it was full. He close them ans locks it, he grabs suitcase and goes to the stairs to get out from this basment.

He close behind the door, and walks to the dining room. He see Komori eating a carrot, his legs on the table while he had his hood on for the light not disturb him that much. When he just very sensitive to light, and he just weak when there is very bright light hitting his dark shadowy body he haves.

Logi looks around, that he dont see the new crewmate here. "Komori? I tought you aready call this new crewmate here? Where they are?" He get besides Komori where he was sitting and puts a suitcase to the table.

Komori hissed and very fast gets out the chair, and backs away from Logi just being next to him. "Hey! Dont get close to me, dont forget you have frecking flame on you head." He was in the shodows away from him.

He just chukles, and waves his hands off that he was drama queen. "Ops.. Yeah.. Sorry, i mean my flames isnt that bright?" Logi makes his flames to burn a little less, and not be that bright. But the same time when he does that, he just feels now tired and sleepy but he gonna do for Komori who is just sensitive to any kind off very bright light.

Komori feel that his flames gets less bright, and his expozed face feels better. He wears hoodie and long black pants to cover his skin from light hitting on it.

He gets out from shodows, and was a bit vlose to Logi but not that much. "Well about that new crewmate, i called them. She just taking her time getting ready." Komori shrugs, while he looks at his white gloves.

"Oh.. So this a crewmate is a 'she'? Whats her name bye the way?" Logi smirks that now there was another girl in the team, well he dont mind this. But at the same time this new crewmate probaly not gonna last long in this team.

Komori shrugs, while he gets back sitting on chair. "And she is a demon girl, and name. I didnt care to know that.."

And then Angie runs to the dining foom, where they been waiting for her. "Sorry guys... I take long time to get ready, i mean i been wake up few min ego... That is my first mission..." She was panting, and leaning down her hands on her knees. But she straight up her posture, and puts her hands to her hips.

"Speak of the devil.." Komori murmurs to himself, and fix his white hair a bit. Logi smiles and nods what she said, looking at how she looks. "Hello there lady, my name Logi and nice to meet you." He bows a little to her, smiling playfully.

She giggles and just bows back to Logi, looking at his floting burning head. "Well me too nice to meet you, my name is Angie." She smiles at him after that she looks at the table, where it was suitcase laing on the table. "And what mission is? And what this suitcase for?" She looks at them.

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