• The cemetery •

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- Chapter ten -


• The cemetery •

ITS NEARLY been four days now since their last game. "We need to play another game tonight, my visa runs out today" Chiyo spoke with a mouth full of cereal. Jiro's heart stopped for a split second upon the realisation. They have to play another game tonight.

As if Hikaru could sense the boys fear he softy patted his shoulder giving him a soft smile. "It's going to be alright Jiro. We will all make it out alive, right Chiyo?" Chiyo looked their way upon hearing her name being called. Quickly she nodded her head swallowing her food down her throat. "Of course we will. The trio never dies!" The energetic girl cheered side hugging Jiro making sure not to spill her bowl now only filled with milk.

Jiro playfully pushed the girl away from him laughing slightly. "When are we going to go?" He asked looking in between the two friends. "When it starts getting dark" Chiyo stated as she drank the left over milk in her bowl not wanting to
waste anything.

"Right, I'm going to take a shower" Jiro got up from his seat in between Chiyo and Hikaru. "I will go after!" Yelled Hikaru as Chiyo gave him a death glare. She crossed her arms over her chest before placing her now empty bowl on the small table in front of them.

Jiro walked away from his friends a fond smile on his face. Walking into the bathroom he closed the door behind him. Jiro couldn't stop that weird feeling that something bad was going to happen very soon. Trying to shaking the weird feeling away he stripped his clothes down then hopping into the shower turning it on and then waiting for the water to become more warmer for Jiro's liking.

Soon enough the water was warm enough and his soon stepped under the warm water. He sighed in relief. The water planting itself into his dark hair then trickling down his body. "Showers are honestly the best" Jiro nodded agreeing with himself before washing his hair properly. 'Still cant believe that water works, I'm so glad it does or else I would of absolutely stunk'.

The dark haired boy left the water fall down his body landing onto the showers floor then disappearing down the drain. He just stood there for a few minutes with his eyes closed enjoying the feeling of the warmth the water provided.

"Get out of the shower! You've been in there for nearly thirty minutes!" Hikaru who was pounding on the other side of the door shouted. "And I really need a piss!" He slammed his hand on the door once more shouting at Jiro to hurry up. "Okay, okay piss pants" Jiro yelled back turning off the warm shower then walking out grabbing a towel he left on the floor then wrapping it
around his torso.

Jiro unlocked the bathroom door Hikaru pushing the room open and speed walking towards the toilet. "Get out!" He shrieked ushering Jiro out of the bathroom with his hand. Jiro let out a laugh before walking out of the bathroom closing the door behind him and walking into his room to grab some clothes.

Jiro picked out a simple grey hoodie along with grey cargos then slipping them on not forgetting to put some socks on too. He walked up to his small desk in the corner of his room and picked up the small bracelet. Wrapping the bracelet around his wrist he then walked out of his bedroom hearing the showing just now turning on.

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