TFP Breakdown x sparked femme reader!

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I rubbed my tanks gently, I was sparked with Breakdown's sparkling and was expected to go into labor any day.

We had been so happy when we found out, and Breakdown hasn't let me do anything that in his opinion might hurt the sparkling.

Breakdown placed a servo on my tanks when he walked in and chuckled when the sparkling kicked him, " their gonna be a feisty one aren't they?" I smiled, " they'll take after you if they are." Knockout rolled his optics, " if it does turn out to be like you then I'm definitely not watching it."

I laughed at my sparkmates best friend, " aww Knockout it'll just make the little one a lot like your best friend. It'll be just like dealing with a mini Breakdown." The medic nodded, " that's my point." Breakdown laughed, " just wait, you'll be tryin to steal him from us." Knockout rolled his optics at that and returned to what he was doing.

I left the med bay and walked towards the energon dispenser, I was starving so I knew the sparkling must be too. When I got there I got the right amount to feed me and the little one and started to leave only to run into my sire, Megatron. He looked down at me and smiled it was one of the true ones he rarely ever showed, " I was just looking for you. How is the sparkling?" I smiled, " they're doing just fine." Her sire nodded, " shouldn't you be near the med bay?" I laughed, " I'll be okay sire." Megatron growled clearly mad that I wasn't staying near the med bay, " I'll escort you back."

When they got to the med bay Breakdown ran towards me, " (y/n)! Where did you go?!" I looked at him, " I went to get some energon....OW!!" I felt a sharp pain shoot through me and something snap Megatron and Breakdown helped me get to the berth in the med bay and lay down.

Knockout stood at my peds and pulled off my interface panel, " okay (y/n) I need you to take deep breaths and push." I let out a wail as another wave of pain shot through me and I looked at Megatron and Breakdown, " I can't do this Break, it hurts!" My mate placed a servo on the side of my face, " yes you can! Your the strongest femme I know (y/n) you can do this."

Time skip
After hours of pain I finally gave birth to a mech who looked just like his sire. I held my son close and kissed his helm, "I want to name him (y/s/n)." Breakdown smiled, " I think that's a amazing name sweetspark." Then I handed out son to him and he held him close.

Megatron watched the sparkling with a happy look on his face and turned to his daughter, " I'm happy for you (y/n) I can't wait to see the little one running around the ship." I smiled and looked at my sparkling, " I want him to take as long as he needs, I wish he could stay like this forever."

The End

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