I.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Leave for the Capital.

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OPULENCE is brought to a new meaning entirely at the main castle of the Minerva duchy's central castle, a tapestry of important business and chaos that precede the preparations for the Duke's family's arrival to the capital of the empire of Obelia after seemingly a generation's time had passed, all because of a singular invitation sent in by the new Empress that had been sent from the Eckarts to Obelia, Penelope (now) de Alger Obelia, for the Minervas to join the inter–national conference hosted by the Imperial family itself.

Amid whispered conversations and sunlight that streamed in through the tall glass windows, reflected on the marble flooring paired with thrumming energy with the servants bustling about and the scent of fresh cut flowers lingering in the air⸻the atmosphere was bound to energise anyone back to life. And Minervas were no exception as they prepared to step back into the intricate dance of high society after what was rumoured to be a long time.

Duchess Sienna Minerva, dark haired with clever green eyes, stood in anticipation with her fingers wrung together as she awaited her youngest daughter's appearance from behind the changing sheet; behind her, rested the fearsome Duke Augustus reading newspaper with one leg crossed over the other, the glaring red of his eyes eased upon the tapestry of words written on paper⸻and just beside him, their eldest daughter Severine, quite literally looking like the female version of the duke, busied in going through the magazines for the current happenings of the aristocratic circle in the capital to catch herself up on the drama, all gathered in the foyer as the seamster babbled on endlessly to catch the duchess's, any of their attention in hopes of currying favour.

The atmosphere shifted, though, when Agnes⸻the duke's youngest daughter stepped out of the changing sheet; her vivacity filled the space, adorned in a gown that shimmered like the moon, brightening up the whole room. Everyone's attention moved naturally to her, some maids even gasping in the background, silence (finally) from the seamster.

"Oh, my darling ! " Duchess Sienna exclaimed, both her hands thrown up to her mouth, "you're a vision " before she was back to discerning each and every single detail present on the dress⸻or the entire look, really⸻with a sharp eye, looking for what one could expect, something that went amiss the duchess's exceedingly high standards.

"This dress is absolutely enchanting, Anthony," she then addressed the seamster, "however⸻" and it took only one word, before he was fumbling along his own footing to run up to her with his notepad in hand, as Sienna begun her list of corrections and modifications to be made.

It took about five to six minutes, and once the detailing came to an end Sienna clapped her hands together, "anyways ! you my love, are radiant I know for a fact that the capital would be abuzz with whispers the moment they catch a glimpse of you."

Agnes smiled, "you have a way with words, mama. But your words excite me, I look forward to the reception ball so much, I can hardly contain myself ! "

In the meantime, the duke seemed to have lost his interest in the newspaper as he stood up and walked up to the pair, intimidating self of his softening at the sight of his wife engaging in banter, "ah⸻the guiding light of elegance, my sweet Sienna," under his breath, he'd murmur, catching the attention of Severine, his eldest, who rolls her eyes at the blatant display of affection.

"Now, my dear," continued Sienna to Agnes. "You must remember, a debut is a delicate dance. Engage in conversation, charm the right individuals, but always be cautious. High society can be a labyrinth, and we must navigate it with finesse."

Severine walked up to the trio, unnoticed, "another debut, another affair; I wonder if they even remember mine," there was very little that could hide the disappointment⸻even the slight bitterness in her voice.

However, Sienna continued, her attention fully focused on Agnes, "Your entrance is crucial. Let them be captivated by your grace. And when the emperor gazes upon you, Agnes, make sure it's an image he won't forget."

Agnes nodded, and then jumped on her heels a little, saluting playfully, "yes ma'am !  I will not disappoint ! "

In the mix of pride and concern, Sienna bubbled up in an amused giggle behind her hand, "sure⸻my little girl." When duke Augustus snuck up behind her, she did not know, but his arm sure ripped Sienna's attention off her youngest daughter to look up at him, as he smirked, a sight rare on the otherwise reserved and stern duke's face.

"You have this uncanny ability to make even the most mundane things into a strategic masterpiece, my dear," he said. And while some decades ago, Sienna might have blushed like a tomato under his attentions, now she only smirked and brought her hand up to adjust his tie.

"It is a talent I have honed for years, your grace; keeps things interesting, as you'd know." This time, it was Augustus's turn to blush only slightly around the ears. Not too prominent, but intimate enough to be caught on by Sienna.

Agnes chipped in, "you make it sound like such a grand adventure, mama."

Sienna, then, winked at Agnes, "oh but it is⸻my sweet daughter ! a grand adventure with calculated steps and hidden pitfalls. One has to be sharp as a hawk in order to not be eaten alive by those snooty ladies of the capital ! "

Severine, feeling overlooked, decides to jump in the conversation, "don't scare her, mama." To which Sienna only laughs, and Severine, with sarcasm, adds, "speaking of grand adventures⸻I hope this summit won't be as thrilling as my own debut. Quite the spectacle, it was."

Duke Augustus casts a glance at Severine and then Sienna, one eyebrow raised. Sienna waves dismissively, a sweet, nostalgic grin over her features, "now, now, my darling girl. Your debut may not have been the talk of the town, but it had its own charm, did it not?"

Severine makes a face, pouting, "if you think boring endless talk and entertaining half-witted suitors in our capital mansion's foyer is charming, sure."

Agnes, however, brightly⸻and rather tactlessly, Augustus thinks to himself⸻adds, "well, I intend to make mine unforgettable ! Worry not, older sister, maybe people would even forget yours ever happened."

"Agnes⸻" Augustus warns.

"Just kidding ! " Agnes giggles, innocently. But Severine's face dims into a look of obvious jealousy. She huffs to herself.

"Ah, well," Augustus, not quite noticing the light-hearted rivalry between his daughters, turns his attention to his wife again. "Sienna, my dark enchantress, these gatherings often have me yearning for the simplicity of a crypt of our own away from these tiresome gatherings."

Sienna brings a hand to perfect the strands of black hair around his ear, and replies, "just the two of us; six feet under side by side, in matching coffins, buried just beneath our beautiful home."

"Our lifeless bodies rotting together for an eternity," he leans down, nuzzling his wife's neck, (earning more gasps⸻scandalized, from all the servants around as the seamster tries to sneak out as soon as possible, bowing to Sienna who seemed to pay him no mind,) "all away from this shitshow that my brother and father wished to partake in. Sigh ! "

Sienna laughs, "oh, Gus," the nickname makes both their daughters stop bickering in the background; their ears perking up and while Agnes seems bemused, Severine seems like she really needs to hurl. "You make the dullness of courtly affairs sound like a tragic comedy, almost. There is little I look forward to more than the information I am about to fill you in every evening we return home to each other."

Augustus leans in, smirking, "it is sort of our own private comedy, isn't it?"

Her eyes glinting mischievously, Sienna continues, "our own masquerade, indeed; where we play roles expected of us."

Then, Augustus sweeps Sienna by the waist, "a ball of secret whispers and schemes, my love. It's what keeps the blood warm in those damned aristocratic veins," he grabs her by the hand, "so do me the honour of having you as my partner for this shadowy little dance, would you, my beautiful wife? The one who casts light upon my dreary existence, my Sienna?"

Sienna, just in time, grins lovingly, "and you, my lord, bring a touch of chaos into that structured world they adore; I wouldn't have it any other way."

The lovebirds (if that is even what you would call the parents of two women, one twenty, other eighteen,) continue their metaphorical now turned actual dance across the empty hall as servants scutter away, no one willing to watch this reminder of how single and truly miserable everyone else is in comparison to the duke and duchess Minerva.

And in the corner, their two daughters watch the peculiar exchange with a disgustedly amused mixture.

"Mama and Father are at it again," Agnes observes, "indulging in their . . . . . odd, macabre romantic banter."

"It's like they stepped out of an actual gothic novel," Severine says, her eyes not moving from their parents, ". . . . 'my dark enchantress' . . . . ew, who even says that!?"

"Allow me to add: 'the one who brings a touch of chaos into the structured world they adore', it almost makes you wonder whether they're plotting to take over the empire together or something," replies Agnes.

Severine turns to her, shuddering, and having completely forgotten her prior resentment for that remark, "either way⸻it sets my teeth on edge, what of you?"

"It makes you forget fighting with me, so I like it," Agnes adds, cheekily. "Our parent's strange theatrics have a way of bringing us together ! "

Severine simply laughs, "good luck for your debut, little sister."

"Thank you, Severine ! "

hammy here again! Here's an introduction of the Minerva Dukedom, aka one of the side protagonists of the story (aside from Claude and Penelope of course). I quite love their dynamic because unlike most manhwas here the mom is alive (because I was getting sick of the absent mom trope TT) and she and the dad are super, DUPER in love! (kudos to anyone who caught the morticia and gomez addams reference lololololololol). 

Also, aren't they a good looking family? (Duke Crisis from 'Cassmire: the loyal sword' for Duke Augustus Minerva. Mildred from 'I raised Cinderella preciously' for Duchess Sienna. Hestia from 'My derelict beloved' for Severine. And Yuriel from 'It seems I fell into a reverse harem game' for Agnes.) Who is your favourite Minerva? Lemme know in the comments!

) Who is your favourite Minerva? Lemme know in the comments!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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