the Tale of Two sisters Melisha Tweedy and Spooky spoon

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Melisha Tweedy Married someone else called Dr fry and divorce from Willard Tweedy but then a talking Spoon flew in and bump into a human Woman Melisha Tweedy said who are you she said The talking spoon said hi I'm spooky and I'm a meanie just like you Melisha Tweedy said oh that's great but spooky said I don't like chickens either but Melisha Tweedy said oh then perhaps you would like to join me but then spooky spoon said yes I'm in but Melisha Tweedy said to spooky you are my Spoon sister forever but then spooky said oh my sister Melisha Tweedy let's go and kill these awful chickens but then spooky mixed things up the chickens the chickens ware Chined up in handcuffs Spooky has killed all the chickens in one go Melisha Tweedy was happy Melisha Tweedy said to spooky well done sister spoon you have killed all the chickens Melisha and Spooky ware sisters forever And Melisha and Spooky ware celebrated have chicken for the family and Melisha and spooky ware queen's forever And Dr fry and Melisha kissed and spooky said aww

tale of Two sisters the villains the one who hates chickens it's Melisha Tweedy Where stories live. Discover now