PLL: Season Four Timeline

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November 2011 (Week 5) - The police inform the parents that Alison DiLaurentis is indeed alive. This is the last time we ever see Jessica alive (424).

November 2011 (Week 5) - Ezra gets shot (by Shana) while saving the girls in NYC (424)

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November 2011 (Week 5) - Ezra gets shot (by Shana) while saving the girls in NYC (424).

November 2011 (Week 5) - Jessica DiLaurentis is murdered & buried in the Hastings backyard (424)

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November 2011 (Week 5) - Jessica DiLaurentis is murdered & buried in the Hastings backyard (424).

November 2011 (Week 5) - Jessica DiLaurentis is murdered & buried in the Hastings backyard (424)

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