Chapter 16

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"Are you ready Lucy?" Phil asked me.

"I think so."

"And you Henry?" Dan asked.

"Totally."  We were in the cab to the airport.  Phil had allowed Henry to come with us after much prodding from Dan and I.  "She's only 16!  She doesn't need to be in that serious of a relationship!" Phil had claimed.  "Come on Phil, she can share a room with Louise! You get to bring your boyfriend why can't she bring hers?"  Dan had responded.  Dan had taken to Henry much more than Phil.  I figured Dan was just happy I was happy and Phil was worried Henry might hurt me in the future.  Dan and Phil definitely enjoyed being able to hold hands in the airport. "It's the innocent things that we couldn't do in public." Dan remarked to Phil.  "I always felt the need to hold your hand but I couldn't." One 9 hour flight later, we were in Florida.  It was technically noon, but it felt like evening.  We ate dinner with Louise, Zoe, Alfie, PJ, Chris, and Carrie since they were all as jet-lagged as us.  We all went out for coffee later as an attempt to stay up until at least 9 Florida time.  At 6, we checked into the hotel for playlist.  Dan, Phil, and Henry had a room right next to Louise, Darcy, and mine.  Darcy was super excited to have a roomate other than her mother this year.   At 9, we all drifted off to sleep to the sound of Darcy's tablet playing Peppa Pig.  

The next morning was Dan and Phil's show.   Since I was available at the time, I was asked to host for them.  At 11 am Florida time,  I went out extremely jet lagged and hosted.  They were playing a couples trivia game since they had recently come out and Phil had an extra special question.  

"Hello everyone!  I'm Lucy, also known as not Dan and / or Phil, also known as the person you all wish would just introduce who you came here for, so without further ado, we have danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil playing Couples Trivia."  Dan and Phil came running onto the stage and waved hello before sitting down on stools across from each other.   "So, basically Dan and Phil have each written 5 questions for each other, and whoever gets the most right wins... well I guess bragging rights to whoever the better boyfriend is.... Dan anything before we begin?" 

"Um nope."


"Basically I'm just going to be the better boyfriend."

"Okay then, Dan here's your first question -- remember these are written in Phil's point of view not mine so these may sound weird -- What is my eye color?"

"You always do this to me! Your eyes are weird they're like yellow, blue, and green."

"Correct!  Phil," 

"Oh well now I'm scared." 

"What color nail polish was Lucy wearing when we first met her?"


"Come on Phil two years of memories..." 

"Black I think?" 

"That's right!  Dan, second question are you ready?"

We continued asking questions like that for a few more minutes.  Dan was winning by one point.  

"Okay Dan final question from Phil. You ready?" 

"I think so. Am I?"


"Well now I'm not." I laughed.  

"Anyways, Phil asks, Daniel James Howell," Phil got out of his stool and moved next to Dan's.  Some of the crowd began to realize what he was doing.  "I've loved you ever since we first met.  Will you marry me?"  Phil was on one knee and holding out the gorgeous ring I had helped him pick out a few weeks before.  Dan had his hands cupped over his mouth as a stream of tears went down his face.  The room went from thousands of phangirls screaming to silence in seconds as Dan wrapped his arms around Phil's neck.  "Yes!" And with that the room went into a gallimaufry of fangirls jumping and screaming and grabbing the person next to them and jumping and screaming.  "So that was Dan and Phil.  It seems we're all emotional-wrecks so I'm just going to uh go now."  I walked off the stage and joined a happily embraced Dan and Phil backstage.  

Okay so that may have taken longer than expected because my internet shut down.  It's super short but there's enough feels to last a lifetime so...

Thanks for reading,


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