Remember what I said

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"!" Fatima moaned out as she was reaching her peak.  She squirted and laid there for a while catching her breath before putting her rose on the nightstand next to her bed. "I have to get a man," she said, out loud to herself. After she left the club, she couldn't stop thinking about that fine ass man that she saw. After her lonely session she drifted off to sleep. Waking up the next morning she felt good, that was until she got downstairs with her always arguing parents.

"Fred, you act as if this is some big ass thing! Just tell the man you don't want to buy the property." Mona sat down at the table across from her husband with an attitude. The real estate company Empire Homes belonged to Fatima's parents. Her dad spent money recklessly on properties that weren't even worth the investment, meanwhile her mother was more level headed, both crazy as hell though.

"Mo, you're not listening to me! I think we can flip this and it can turn out right." He insisted. "If it fails I'll take that heat."

"You say this every time and nobody takes the heat except for who?" She looked at him with the exactly nigga face. "We're not doing it!"

"Umm good morning momma, daddy." Fatima interrupted their little debate.

"Good morning sweet heart," her mother says. "There's breakfast on the stove if you're hungry."

"Morning baby girl," her father says. "How was your study session last night?"

Fatima didn't tell her parents she was working at the club, so on nights when she did work, she'd make up countless excuses. Yes she's grown but her father is very hard on her about everything. She can't catch a break with him.

"It was good, I think I'm going to pass the exams with flying colors." She grabbed her plate and walked over to join her parents at the table.

"You better," he gave her that parent look. "You know we won't accept anything less."

"Yea," she sighed, "I know."

"Sweetie don't let your father stress you out before class, we know you got this." Her mother told her.

"Thanks momma," Fatima finished up her breakfast and headed to school. When she got there she ran into her friends, Drea and Ray. They all attended Hofstra University.

"Rayvon please, I don't have time for your delusions today." Fatima chuckled as her friend lusted over all the straight men on campus as usual.

"He is not going to learn," Drea said, "somebody gonna cuss his ass out one day."

"What's that? I smell the bitches hating again," he did a twirl. "As fine as I am, these niggas want me."

"Have you always been this crazy? Or it just grew on you?"Fatima jokes. Fatima loved Ray, he was her best friend since freshman year in high school. She didn't judge him ever. He wasn't her parents favorite though, they never liked her hanging with someone like him and she hated that they treated him a certain way. They met Andrea Jr year in high school and she instantly clicked with the two as well, since then it's always been the 3 of them. Drea is going to school to be a lawyer, Ray is going to be a costume designer, and Fatima is going to be an obstetrician.

"Anyways serious note," Drea said, "I met this dude last night. I got a flat leaving Jason's house and some drunk dude helped me out."

"A drunk dude?" Fatima gave a weird look. "And why were you leaving Jason's house at night?"

"I mean he was drunk but functioning," Drea explained. "He was driving so I figured he was okay." She shrugged, "anyways, girl he was looking like a rich nigga and he smelled like one too!"

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