Im going with zac

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"Sir, can you tell me what happened?" The officer asked Zac as he sat on the curb. The ambulance was taking Fatima to the hospital immediately and they weren't letting Zac go because he was in a state of shock sitting there with a blank stare. After the crash he managed to crawl out of the car and a random person found them on the side of the road and called for help. Zac has said nothing this entire time.

"Are you under the influence Mr. Taylor?" The woman officer asked again.

"How do you know his name? He hasn't said anything." The other male officer responded.

"Are you blind? That's Zachary Taylor!" The woman officer stated.

"Like the knicks Zachary Taylor? Oh shit man wassu-"

"Can't you see he's out of it?" The woman officer asked kneeling down to Zac. "Sir, we need you to tell us something. The woman, who is she?"

"Fatima," Zac said faintly. "Fatima Wilson."

The two officers look at each other.

"Like Fred and Mona Wilson's daughter?" The woman officer asked.

"This is bad." The male officer shook his head.

"They're all the way in New York, what can they possibly do to us?" The woman officer asked.

"Well Mona, nothing. But Fred? He'll find a way." The male officer said. "Sir, do you have any idea how this happened?"

"I was drunk," Zac confessed. "I mean I don't know if I still am I think I'm fine I don't know my neck hurts, where's Fatima?" Zac was losing his mind and just talking at this point.

At this point they were tired of the hassle of trying to get Zac to say anything. They only gave him so many chances because of who he was. Eventually they arrested him and took him in for a DUI.

Over at the hospital, Fatima was actually fine. The airbag bruised her but saved her in a sense. She was in and out from the impact but she wasn't severely injured. A couple hours have passed and Fatima was opening her eyes. She had been knocked out on all the pain meds they gave her for her bruising.

"Finally, you're up." Drea said. "How's my sister?"

"I feel kind of sleepy still. What time is it?" Fatima asked her.

"6am" Drea responds. "It's probably the medicine they gave you. Take all the rest time you need."

"Did they tell you what happened?" Fatima asked her.

"No, just that you asked me to be here. But from what I can gather with Zac needing to be picked up from the jail for a DUI..... this wasn't an accident was it?" Drea asked her.

"Drea, he was drunk. I can't say if it was an accident or not honestly. He was influenced by alcohol." Fatima says.

Drea makes a face, gets up and goes to sit by Fatima on the bed. She unzipped her hoodie and showed Fatima her arms and her back. "You don't have to lie to me, I'm your sister."

"He did this to you?" Fatima asked.

"No mot Zac..... Lance." Drea confessed. "Last night when you guys left he just lost it on me, calling me a liar and asking me why I never told him you got an abortion."

"I didn't even tell you that." Fatima says. "I'm sorry."

"I know, but Zac told him that you told me I guess I don't know." Drea shrugged. "Ti, you know we can't stay here, right?"

"But how are we going to leave? We came with nothing." Fatima told her.

"Our parents are on the way, we can finish classes online, Howard has that option. But we cannot be anybody's punching bags, that ain't us." Drea explained. "They should be he-"

"We are here," their parents walked in.

"You see this shit I was talking about!" Fred started with Fatima immediately. "I'm taking you home and you will never see that boy again!"

"Fred! Please!" Mona says. "Fatima, sweetie, are you okay?"

"Mommy, I'm fine. It was just a stupid car accident." Fatima rolled her eyes.

"Andrea told us what happened." Mona tells her. "That boy is no good for you."

"Momma, can you not?" Fatima asked her.

"That biy could have fucking killed uou!" Mona scolded.

"Exactly," Tiffany adds. "Both of you should be ashamed of the shit yall going with these men old enough to be your fathers."

"Okay I know that but I don't need y'all barging in here trying to tell me what the fuck I will and won't be doing! I'm not doing that shit anymore." Fatima started going off.

"Who the fuck is she talking to?" Fred asked, furious.

"I believe she's talking to you." Zac and Lance walked in next. "You not gonna talk to her like that in front of me. I heard all about you and I dare you to try that shit right now!"

"Oh good, gangs all here." Drea threw her hands up.

"You don't want to go there son," Mona told him.

"Oh but I do," Zac came out his jacket. "Your husband talking to her crazy like he lost his fucking mind."

"ZAC!" Fatima shouts.

"What?" Zac looked at her. "What happened to you done with being controlled ? Huh ? You gonna let this nigg-"

Before Zac could finish Fred was at him. An entire fight broke out in Fatima's hospital room. It now turned into Fred vs Zac and Lance. Security was called up immediately to defuse the situation. Once the men were separated Fatima was sitting there in tears, she never wanted any of this drama. She was confused on how it even got there.

"Let's go Fatima," Zac called to her as the security guard held him.

"She ain't going nowhere with you," Mona interrupted.

"Momma please!" Fatima said. "Would all of y'all please just let this shit go."

Drea saw the stress on her friend face and went to hug her, "whatever decision you make, I'm with you." She whispered in her ear.

"I'm going with Zac," Fatima said out loud.

"WHAT?" Her mom, dad, and Tiffany said.

"I'm going with Zac," she repeated.

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