I wake up to the feel of being carried and it shocks me so bad that I begin to flail about and I hear a muffled curse as my fist connects with someone's skin.
"Sil! Calm down its me!"
"Huh? James?"
I feel Jaimie nod and he continues to walk up the stairs to what I assume is our room, my breathing slows down to a more normal pace and I relax into Jaimie's arms.
"I'm sorry, James. I didn't know I'd fall asleep on you."
I say while I nuzzle into his chest. He walks into our room and carries me into the dark without turning on the lights. He lays on the bed with me on his chest and drags the blanket over our bodies. I snuggle into his warmth, beginning to drift off again when he speaks.
He asks, his voice slightly wavering.
I answer without opening my eyes.
"Who was that guy?"
My eyes shoot open and all the sleepy ness left my system.
"No one important Jaimie. Just forget about him, Hun."
Jaimie's arms tighten around me telling me more than his words could.
"I know that whatever he is or was to you is your thing but... Sil I'll always be here for you. Remember that, Darlin."
I nod into his chest, feeling some tears escape my eyes and slide down the side of my cheeks onto his bare chest.
"Sil?! Are you.... Crying?"
He asks in an incredulous voice. Because I never cry.... Never.
I tell him quietly and just hide my face in his chest, reveling in his comfortableness. Jaimie reaches out and strokes my hair with his rough callused hand. It scares me a bit because its so much of a girly gesture but it feels so relaxing, so warm, so Jaimie. My eyes start to flutter and the dark shapes are out of focus and I drift off again into a dreamless sleep.
>Jaimie POV<
I'm worried about Silver, she's never cried or gotten that angry at someone. That guy, whoever he was made her really mad and Silver only gets sorta like that when its Greg or a bully involved..... Wait! That's it! The guy must've been a bully or something! But she reacted way too strongly for just a bully. God dammit! I love this little adorable girl sleeping in my arms right now and she doesn't know it! She's strong, independent, smart and everything I could ever ask for. I'm ashamed to admit that I've been in love with her since we were little kids, that first day of pre-K. She was so brave and she didn't laugh at me when I stutteringly told her that I didn't want to sleep because the teddy bears would kill me. Everyone always made fun of me for it and the teacher aid didn't do anything, I would start to cry and that's when Silver came in. She stood in front of me with her back to me and her little fists clenched at her sides, her long white hair was up in two little pig tails and she had a smudge of glitter on her nose. She looked so menacing that even the biggest bully boy there backed down, the memory makes me laugh. She turned to me and stuck out her little chubby palm to me and said in her little high pitched voice.
"Hi I'm Silver, don't worry I'll protect you from the evil bears."
She smiled and true to her words she threw all the stuffed animals to one corner of the room and put a fort around them made out of blocks, pillows, paper, glue, and glitter. I watched her move around as she did so and after she came back and smiled at me showing a small dimple on her left cheek. I laid down on the mat and I told her I was still scared, she said.
"My daddy says that when two people go to sleep together it makes them not scared no more."
I don't know what came over me but I scooted over and she snuggled in next to me under the blanket and I just wrapped my arms around her and instantly we fell asleep.
Ever since that day I always slept with her at nap time and every day Silver would put the bears in the corner. We became fast friends and no one dared make fun of us. She spoke really well for a girl in pre-K. She hardly stuttered and never mumbled, she knew the ABC's backwards and forwards and she taught me till I was as good as her.
I smile at myself thinking of how I didn't know I was in love with her then I just knew I really liked her, she made me feel better and I really just want her to feel better with me too.
"J..... Jaimie.....uhh....."
I look down at Silver, her eyes were still closed so she must still be asleep.
"No.... Jaimie help..... No..... Away!... Get away!"
She starts to thrash around in her sleep and I brace her arms against her sides which isn't easy considering this girl has trained longer than me.
"Sil! Sil! Wake up! It's okay I'm here."
I soothingly tell her the last part as her eyes flutter open and as soon as her eyes lock on me she bursts out crying. Not small sniffles but full blown snot filled sobbing. I held her against my chest as she cries and cries.
"Shhh. It's okay. Everything's gonna be fine."
I stroke her hair as she hides her face in the crook of my neck and snuggles into my side as we sit up with her sobs echoing in the room. I did the first thing I could think of and began to sing the lyrics to the chorus of one of her favorite Blood on the Dance Floor songs.
"I wanna fuck you hard,
I wanna feel you deep,
I wanna rock your body,
I wanna taste your sweet,
I wanna fuck you hard,
I wanna feel you deep,
I wanna ah ah
I wanna ah ah
Love me or hate me but you wanna fuck me,
My love is unrestricted you know you wanna lick this...."
I stop as she giggles and looks up at me.
"Dahvie and Jayy sing so much better than you."
I smile and kiss her forehead and I pull back pretending to be outraged.
"I'll have you know I was in line for Jayys' job but then Dahvie lost my number so."
Her giggles fill the room and she wipes at her nose and eyes! Clearing away all traces of her little break down. She sniffles slightly and ruffles my hair making me smile and lean my forehead against hers.

Friendship Fails ~ON HOLD~
РазноеThis girl named Silver and her best friend named Jaimie they play football and she's a major tom boy. Jaimie begins to act differently towards Silver and she thinks maybe he's hiding something but will this break their life long friendship or make i...