Halloween shopping!

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Since it's nowhere near Halloween, why don't we do a Halloween chapter? Cuz that totally makes sense!

3rd POV

Halloween was just around the corner and no one had gotten their costumes yet. So the LNC and co. had gone to (insert where you like to get your Halloween costumes).

They had stopped in the parking lot. "What's up Cry?" Scott raised an eyebrow. "I have a little something planned. See..." he pulls out a random hat with slips of paper in them. "...we all pull a slip and whoever pulls your name gets to decide your costume."

In the end, Snake pulled (Y/N)'s name, (Y/N) got Red, Red got Russ, Russ got Samus, Samus got Scott, Scott got Cry, and Cry got Snake.

"Erm, (Y/N) is gunna be a taco." Snake announced. "Heh, that's what I'm TACn O bout!" (Y/N) failed at making a pun.

"Red, you're gunna be... a flareon!" (Y/N) squealed happily.

"Russipoo... will be an eevee!" Red poked his shoulder.

"Samus, you're gunna be Snake." Russ snickered as Samus turned a light pink.

"Scott... you will be grumpy cat!" Samus had a cheery smile while Scott wasn't fond of the idea.

"Cry's a burrito." Scott said plainly.

"Snake is gunna be Samus!" Cry said with a smile.

~after shopping~

"Since tomorrow is Halloween, we'll meet up at the park tomorrow in costume." Cry stated.

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