Half-Blood prince - 4

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Dumbledore had asked Harry to meet up with him, at his office.




The door then opened

"Ah, Harry you got my message. Come in. How are you?" Dumbledore said

"I'm fine, sir" Harry said

"Enjoying your classes? I know professor Slughorn was most impressed with you" dumbledore said

"I think he overestimates my abilities, sir" Harry said

"Hm. Do you?" Dumbledore says

Harry exhales sharply

"Definitely." Harry says

Dumbledore chuckles

"What about your activities outside the classroom?" Dumbledore said

"Sir?" Harry said

"Well, I notice you spend a great deal with Mis. Granger. I can't help wonder if—" dumbledore says but shortly gets cut off by Harry

"Oh, no, no. I mean, she's brilliant, and we're friends. But, no." Harry says awkwardly

"Forgive me. I was merely being curious. Harry nods. 'But enough chit-chat.' You must be wondering why I summoned you here tonight. The answer lies here. Dumbledore says

He walks to a little compartment where he has multiple vials of who knows what.

"What you're looking at are memories. In this case, pertaining to one individual, Voldemort, or as he was known then, Tom Riddle. Dumbledore takes out one vial. This vial contains the most particular memory..of the day I first met him' dumbledore says holding the vial to Harry's face.

Dumbledore then continues

"I'd like you to see it, if you would." Dumbledore says

Harry took the vial to his hands. Both Dumbledore and Harry walk to (whatever that water in a glass thingy was with all the visions.)

"Did you know sir, then?" Harry said

"Did I know I'd just met the most dangerous dark wizard of all time? No. If I had, I..over time, while here at Hogwarts Tom riddle grew close to one particular teacher. Can you guess who that teacher might be?" Dumb said

"You didn't bring professor Slughorn back simply to teach potions, did you, sir?" Harry said

"No, I did not. You see, professor Slughorn possesses something I desire very dearly. 'And he will not give it up easily." Dumbledore said

" you said professor Slughorn would try to collect me." Harry said

"I did." Dumbledore said

"Do you want me to let him?" Harry said

Draco was walking through the hallways.
He closed his eyes and doors appeared.
The room of requirement, Draco entered.

There was a creak, Draco turned around and saw a large something that looked like a big closet. It had a big dusty cover over it. Draco walked over to it and took the cover from it.
Just like the one from Borgin and berkes(however it's bloody spelled)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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