Prologue: Enter, Master Tomlinson

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Sitting cross legged against the headboard of his bed, a 15 year old boy with longish dark hair was surfing the Internet, doing nothing in particular to simply pass the time. The sun was bright and it was a warm day, perfect for going out, but the blinds in the bedroom were tight shut, keeping himself in and the outside world out.

Ever since he moved into no. 44 with his family, Louis Tomlinson felt alone and unfamiliar with his surroundings, not to mention the change in size of the house itself. Louis' parents were expecting another baby girl, surprise surprise. Not like he had 5 sisters already or anything. Louis' mum wanted her own B&B and his father wanted to live closer to a smaller neighbourhood.

Upon arriving, all 5 of Louis' older sisters ran into the house and immediately chose they're bedrooms, leaving Louis to reside in the small side room, isolated almost from the other bedrooms. Unlike all the other bedrooms with they're funky shapings, Louis' was a square, unattractive box of a room, with one huge window on the one side.

Louis was due to join St Peter's Secondary in September, and he was not looking forward to it; no friends to talk to, he felt as if he had to restart his last three years in the space of one.

Things were not looking good...

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