Chapter 14-Lets have a chat....

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    This takes place in the present after Minakah gets released from the hospital. So they went to amusement park let's say it was Saturday, and that evening he got hurt, they took him to the hospital, he had to stay overnight then into the next, so we're kinda at Monday afternoon when he's allowed to go back home......


  They grabbed food on the way home from the hospital (cause everybody knows hospital food ain't all that so...😑😬😅), Minakah's was a bit tired because he didn't sleep well the night before due to a nightmare. He didn't want to bring it up to his parents but Makoto knew, as he was there (Minakah's was allowed a visitor for the night and Makoto stayed.) with him. Waking up to Minakah's screaming was almost as terrifying as seeing him lying there motionless after bringing him in for the injury. He ended up laying in the bed with Minakah, holding him til morning, he had to go to school, he protested of course, but Minakah insisted he was alright and would be alright for the remainder of his stay.

    When they finally made it home, the first thing Minakah did after eating was go up to his room and plop face first onto his a starfish.

    "...haaaah, I missed this so muuuuuch! Really hope I never have to go back!" His voice was a tad muffled from him having only slightly turning his head out of the blanket. 

    "..Hmmhmm, agreed!....So, you still wanna talk to them about us? Everything?..." Makoto asked as he sat in the chair by Minakah's desk. 

   "Uuuugghssshhh!" He groaned out. "I almost forgot about that! Maybe I'll take a little nap first, then we can chat!" He added, sitting up turning around and facing Makoto then, flopping back on his back, already starting to fall asleep. Makoto agreed again and joined him, moving Minakah and himself up on the bed a bit more to where they laid comfortably with their heads on the pillows. Falling asleep shortly after Minakah, they slept for a couple hours. Makoto was awoken first by Mina giving his arm a little shake. 

     "Well isn't this just a precious sight!?!" She said while waking him, looking at Minakah's position where he was curled up to Makoto. "Still so attached to you after all these years, been a while tho since I've seen him do this tho!" She added smiling, reaching down pushing a strand of Minakah's hair behind his ear.

     "Hmm, yeah. He didn't sleep so well last night. Not gonna go into detail as he asked me not to tell you guys, but in short, the 'incident' has had an effect on him. Whether he eventually admits it or not...*he shrugs*...I'll leave it up to him." He replied softly, looking down at Minakah as well, giving a wary smile. "He, well we-will be having 'that' little chat with y'all too. I'll just wait til he wakes up tho.....speaking of which, did you need something? You woke me first for...?" He tacked on, not trying to sound rude.

     "Ah, yeah. I was coming up to see what you two wanted for dinner. We can go with take out or I could whip something up real quick. Your father said he'd leave it to y'all, well Nak-Nak moreso, but you get the point." She smiled, then added, "By 'that' little chat, do you mean..?" She gave him a look and gestured between the two boys. 

     "Ha, yeah. But, just a small suggestion....act a tad surprised, but not too much. Also, he'll be really nervous, I'm sure, he thinks you won't accept...'us'..." At this she gave him a pointed look, so he added, "I know, I know! I gave him a little pep talk in the hospital too. I told him what I tell him every time he's facing a hard decision or situation...that I'd always be by his side and you and dad love us to no end. And given he doesn't 'know about that' yet,(he lied!)he thinks you guys and well, basically anyone who we end up telling, will flip out and think it disgusting." He gives another little shrug.

    "Mmm, that's my boy!..." She grins and pats Makoto on the arm. "..~sigh~...well, that's to be expected. Nobody knows besides us so....Also, I guess it won't hurt to let him know now too. I think he'll be able to handle it now, no?" She raised a brow at Makoto in a way to say 'He knows already doesn't he?' But didn't comment on it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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