Beauty and The Beast Part 1

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"Es un tonto. And so are you." This... compassion... it was disgusting. That they would throw their life away for their father—a man no better than a common thief and interloper.

Suffice to say Miguel was disgusted by the display and promptly tossed the withering old man into the cold outside his castle. He could make it back to the village on his own or die trying—it meant little to him now. His prisoner was locked away, the price of their trespassing paid.

Peter and Jessica lingered by the open doorway watching with torn expressions. Miguel stopped and groaned at their blatant feeling for the old man. "(Y/N)," their name, he assumed, as their father cried it while the beast had dragged him away, "is not to leave that cell. Ever. Understood?"

With a mock salute from Peter and a resolute nod from Jessica, Miguel retreated—back to his hollow, empty solitude tucked in the farthest western corner of his castle. Charlotte's presence changed nothing. They were his prisoner, they could rot in that cell for the remainder of their days; he didn't care.

As (Y/N) sits on the cell floor she sings a little melody to pass the time. Miguel could hear the faint echo of a melodious voice, drifting up from the depths of the castle's dungeons. Intrigued, despite his better judgment, he made his way through the winding corridors and stone staircases to the source of the sound.

Leaning against the dank, cold stone of the wall near the cell, he listened as (Y/N)'s voice filled the silence. Her voice was enchanting, calming the storm inside him, if only for a fleeting moment.

"Has singing always been a habit of yours, (Y/N)?" His voice was gruff, a contrast to the soft melody that had just ceased. "Or is it a vain attempt to fill the silence of your imprisonment?" His words carried a hint of mockery, but there was a curious undertone that betrayed his genuine interest.

"Oh it has always been a habit of mine, but it is also an attempt to fill the silence in my cell, i guess" She says softly not to make him angry.  Miguel's eyes narrowed slightly at (Y/N)'s delicate response, her voice just a murmur under the weight of their solitude. He didn't need her to fear him, not really, but the respect her softness implied was not unwelcome.

"Bueno, keep singing then," he commanded, his words echoing off the stone walls of the dungeon. "Your voice... it's not completely intolerable." It was a backhanded compliment, the closest thing to praise Miguel was capable of giving at the moment.

Without waiting for a response, he turned his back to her cell and lumbered down the hallway, disappearing into the shadows. The faint sound of (Y/N)'s singing once again filling the silent halls of the castle.

As (Y/N) finishes one song she moves onto another song that is about a sweet young love. As the last note of her previous song faded, (Y/N) transitioned seamlessly into a new melody. Miguel, who had retreated to his study, found himself once again drawn to her voice. This time, her song carried a different emotion, a tender sweetness that tugged at the edges of his long-dormant heart.

Her voice wafted up through the castle, piercing the thick walls of his study. Miguel found himself leaning against the window sill, gazing out at the endless, moonlit forest that surrounded his cursed kingdom. The melody was soothing, a stark contrast to the painful reality that his existence had become.

He took a deep breath, the words of her song swirling around in his mind. It was about love, a concept so foreign to him now. Yet, the sincerity in her voice made him yearn for something he could hardly remember. For a moment, he allowed himself to get lost in the sweet illusion her song painted.

"Such a tender song," he whispered to himself, his voice barely audible over the soft rustling of the wind outside. "A cruel reminder of what I've lost."

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