CHAPTER SEVEN - The time to part ways... or is it?

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➯A/N: hello everyone. im so sorry for the inconsistent uploads. my motivation does not exist right now, and im having many second thoughts about this story, since i dont feel too satisfied with it. let me know it its actually decent or its bad. haha this is long overdue

well, life is kinda treating me weirdly, so i will try my best to pucker the motivation i need. thank you ever so much for almost 250 reads. I never expected something like this, and i am truly grateful. thank you for everyone who has decided to stick around, and here is the next chapter. (P.s, harry potter reference 👀)

happy new year everyone!! and i wish you all a belated christmas.

⚠️T.W⚠️ Making out.
(Its not that rough trust me.)



The rest of that night was whisked away with celebration of the two saviours. The two boys were being praised by the girls, which eventually turned into lectures to never do risky things like that ever again.

Finally, exhausted and drained, Akito and Toya trudged into their room with heavy eyelids. Akito plopped onto his hay bed with a groan, while Toya softly sat on his own. "Ugh.. my god, my arms are aching an obsessive amount.." the ginger complained, his voice muffled from his face being smushed on his bed. Chuckling, Toya stood up and made his way to Akito, sitting on the edge of his bed. He ruffled Akito's soft orange hair. Suddenly, Akito sat up and snuggled into Toya's chest, his expression soft and peaceful. Giggling, Toya placed a kiss on Akito's forehead, thinking about what just happened that day. It was crazy, everything happened so fast. They both confessed their feelings, which felt unreal, since they've only made each other's acquaintance about 7 days ago. 'Was it possible to fall in love that quickly...?' pondered Toya. But, then again, love was one of the unsolved mysteries that exist upon the world.

"Toya...I don't know if it's too soon to say this but... I love you." Akito's soft voice carried to Toya's ears, the words making him a light pink at the same time. The ginger lifted his head up and shifted his position. He ended up straddling Toya, who's face was now a deep shade of red. Toya had his arms wrapped around the other male while they both looked into each other's eyes.

"I love you too." Toya muttered softly. Akito ran his fingers through the bluenette's hair, slowly leaning in towards Toya's face. Then, the gap between them closed, and their lips pressed against each other's for the second time. Now, the kiss was more passionate, the pace gradually getting faster. Soft groans escaped from Akito, as he tightened his grip on Toya's hair, while Toya was dominating the ginger in the kissing battle. Waves of heat radiated from the two as they made out. Their eyes were shut tightly, their breathing becoming ragged and audible. Akito leaned onto Toya, nibbling his bottom lip, which earned the ginger a soft moan from the prince. Then, Akito penetrated Toya's mouth with his tongue, exploring it eagerly. Their tongues danced with each other.

Eventually, they both pulled back reluctantly, their eyes fluttering open as they panted. A slim string of saliva still connected their mouths until it snapped. Akito's face was flooded with a vivid blush, as well as Toya's. They took a moment to stare at each other in silence, until both started to giggle. The prince rested his forehead on Akito's while ruffling his hair. The boys cuddled together on Akito's bed, and the ginger planted a kiss on Toya's nose. Then, they both closed their eyes, comfortable and warm in each other's embrace, and drifted off to sleep.


Toya's dream—*•,'•.*

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