3 : Another Lucky Cat?!

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your mind ‘Inventory’ while tapping on storage equipment like knapsacks, waist bags, storage bracelets, storage rings etc. You can then access your inventory via the tab that materialised. Please summon the Inventory tab now, LuckyCat.”

Bai XiaoYu examined himself up and down before realising the equipment he had on at the moment should be the little knapsack on his back. He stretched his arm behind and recited ‘Inventory’ while touching the bag. A space made up of tiles popped out before his eyes.

The lower right corner displayed the bag’s storage space and how much money he had at the moment. Looking at the great big “0 coppers”, XiaoYu faintly felt like supporting his forehead with a hand. Never mind. He’ll have money in the future T-T The 2/20 indicated the bag could hold at most 20 types of items, two of which had already been taken up.

He raised his head to look at those two tiles. One was the Milk (HP +50. Hunger -5. Cannot use while in combat.) he’d gotten from the Menu quest. The other tile was a small little gift box. It’s probably the random gift the game mentioned when he registered.

Gift Box: Greeting gift for the cute newbie. Please double-tap to test your “character”. Ohohohoho~ What type of item description is this…This time, Bai XiaoYu actually lifted his hand to help support his head. Was he wrong to have chosen this game? The developers are so wretched. They’re really asking to be beaten up.

Just as he wanted to tap open the Gift Box and have a look at what he’d gotten, NPC1 suddenly spoke. XiaoYu was so frightened that the finger that was aiming for the Gift Box shrunk back like a thief who was spotted.

“Congratulations on completing the quest ‘Check Inventory’, LuckyCat. EXP +20, Apple +1.”

Alright. Just because there’s now an apple, XiaoYu will look at the description before opening up that damned box. Apple: HP +60. Hunger -5. Cannot use while in combat. From what he can observe it’s most likely these food-looking items all can’t be used while in combat, other than medicine. Now that he thought of it, that’d be the best. The possibility of witnessing a player stabbing at the Boss with a sword while munching on a roast chicken drumstick is just too weird = =.

“Tutorial Lesson 3: Use an Item. Not only can food replenish your HP and MP, they can also decrease your Hunger. The way to use an item is, upon summoning the Inventory tab, use your hand to take out the item then eat. Please eat an apple now, LuckyCat.”

So in this day and age, eating is also a quest. Bai XiaoYu took out the apple and bit into it, then he saw the game’s System notifications display “HP +60, Hunger -5”. Eating when his health is full is such a waste. His heart is bleeding.

“Congratulations on completing the quest ‘Use an Item’, LuckyCat. EXP +20, Apple +1.” The apple came back. It wasn’t lost. He didn’t lose it…

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