Chapter 1

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""Perhaps I overestimate the intelligence of our species. Perhaps we are little more than psychopathic apes, driven to fashion clubs and smash out the brains of our closest neighbours."

― Josh Reynolds, Fabius Bile: The Omnibus

word-word = spoken right next
to each other
" " = talking and speaking
= author's pov
' ' = Thinking
(Meanwhile)= Skip and pov change

Chapter 1

Torn From Grace

Izuku looked at the sky as he made his way home. It had been slow going, due to a limp in his left leg and one swollen eye. Today's beating took longer than usual and lasted another thirty minutes than normal, at least that was what the timer on his phone said. Maybe it had been due to the other day claiming he had wanted to go to UA, or had tried to save Bakugo from the Sludge villain.

It could have been both, but at this point, it mattered very little. Bakugo had made his anger known, and it showed on Izuku's body. He trudged along towards the train and sat down.

What to do now, was the big question and what a question it was. After everything that had happened, being exposed on live television, being yelled at by heroes, and criticized by the media as well, no school would probably accept him now. He would be lucky to get an office job at this point.

'What to do,' thought Izuku as he sat in the train car as it hummed along its path. ' You know there is the... The other option,' His mind whispered in his ears. Hinting at anything else than a meaningless existence, more than just surviving day to day. Whispers that promised, sweet nothingness where there would be no pain, no suffering and no hunger. All he had to do was let go, become ash, become nothing but another statistic for quirkless teen suicides.

" No, not today. I won't leave mom behind like that. She deserves more than that," Izuku muttered quietly to the voices. ' She deserved a better son, than a quirkless one like you. ' his mind fired back.

For once he and the voices were in agreement. As He finally looked around him, hearing muttering that wasn't his own.

That is when he noticed he was alone there. Someone had caught the train with him or was already there when he got on board, which once he didn't know. He looked down to see a man at the end of the car sitting, and holding his face in his hands muttering. He was getting louder every second that went by.

The man at the end of the car was setting off every alarm bell in Izuku's head as he got a better look at the stranger, Izuku could see more of him clearly.

He looked young, yet old, with massive bags under his eyes, and scars on his face. He looked around Izuku's age but you wouldn't be able to tell by how worn out he looked, and how dirty and how unclean his clothes looked.

The conversation the stranger was having with himself was surreal, no sound left the stranger's lips. Yet the words and sounds associated with them landed in Izuku's brain bypassing his ears, leaving a high-pitched whine where his eardrums should have been. The inside of his head felt wet, and rough - almost as if his brain was licked by a cat. He was snapped back to reality by what was supposed to be a laugh, yet it felt like someone had made him stand in cold damp mud, as he felt the laugh roll off him. There was only enough space for one in there, but it felt like there were three people, all jostling for attention before his brain gave up and decided to vacate his skull via his ears

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