Chapter 6

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Santana races back to the Understudy in record time while every worst-case scenario runs on repeat in her head. She clings onto the tiniest bit of peace Brittany gave her moments ago, but it seems as though the further she drives away the less strength it has. By the time she pulls into the parking lot at the Understudy, it has all but disappeared.

Santana barely makes it through the lobby when she hears the first sign of trouble: Rachel and Quinn arguing.

Generally, Quinn doesn't get loud – not like Santana does. Her anger is a quiet storm, low grumbles of annoyance or frustration but unfortunately Santana's never seen the lightning since it always fizzles out. She doesn't take anything too personally, at least she doesn't show it which makes for a good balance in the kitchen since Santana is very...passionate.

And generally, Rachel and Quinn have a good working relationship. In fact, they're friends outside of work. Santana doesn't get how anyone could put themselves through that kind of torture especially off the clock but whatever. It has it's perks; like when Santana pushes their boundaries a little too much she just sends Quinn in to smooth things over.

So to see the two having a standoff in the hallways near the office is pretty concerning.

"I don't get why you're so upset, Quinn. This is great for our bottom line," Rachel says as calmly as she can but there's still a familiar snippiness.

"The bottom line won't mean anything if we don't have the product!" Quinn argues, "Or the space? Where do you even plan on putting these people?"

"What's going on?" Santana asks before Quinn pops a blood vessel. "What people?"

"Thank God you're here," Quinn sighs. "Go ahead, Rachel. Tell her what you told me."

"Hello Santana, how was your visit? I'm sure Brittany and her pig friend's reunion was very – "

"Cut the shit, Rachel. What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything, I'm merely the messenger which is what I was trying to tell Quinn," Rachel explains.

"What the hell is she talking about?" Santana asks Quinn.

"She's talking about our bookings for today. They've doubled."

"What?" Santana whirls on Rachel. "Why have they doubled? We capped numbers for a reason. Did you forget you're throwing a party here tonight?"

"I haven't forgotten and it's still capped! There's extra seating time."

"So it's not capped," Quinn quips.

Santana starts pacing, muttering beneath her breath. The product orders have already been placed in anticipation for the holiday rush, those orders didn't account for an extra seating time! She doubts she can scrounge up extra stock, no matter how sweet she is with the suppliers. It's too late, orders are either here already or on their way!

"I'm sorry, Santana. There was a huge demand for an additional seating time."

"Okay? It's not our fault they were too slow to book. Try again next year!"

"I agree, however we started getting complains since we sold out on the release date. We're also booked out for our Christmas event so this is it. We can't bare any bad press so my dads thought – "

Santana lifts a finger to silence Rachel. "Where am I going to get the food to feed these people? They were coming here for a specific menu but now I'm going to have to revisit the entire offering just to stretch what we have. Not to mention how this puts a ton of pressure on the staff!"

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