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I stayed in the end for a few minutes trying to see if I could get any more answers from Epros. However, much to my avail, I didn't get any. In the end, I decided to just give up for now and head back to the overworld.

Upon spawning back in the overworld, my communicator immediately pinged. It then pinged a couple more times before stopping.

Seconds after the pinging stopped, I pulled my communicator out of my pocket and looked at the messages I had received.

The first message was from Rae and it said:
'Hey Lumeria, I went back home and went to the archives. When you get back could you stop by, there's a couple things I just thought off and wanted to talk to you about them.'

The second was from Athena:
'Hey, I'm Athena. I heard from Rae that you not long moved into the town and was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime. Also what's your favourite flower?'

The last message was from Caspian:
'Hi Lumeria, I was wandering if Rae was with you? He left his notebook at home and he isn't answering his communicator so if he is with you, could you let him know that I have it with me."

After reading them, I couldn't help but smile at the message from Athena and giggle slightly at how Rae managed to leave his notebook at home, especially since on the previous loops, I had never seen Rae without his Field Notes.

I quickly responded to Athena with, 'Yeah I would be down with hanging out with you at some point and my favourite flower is a cornflower and recently I've also taken a liking to blue orchids.' I then responded to Caspian with, 'He was with me but then went to the archives although he has a few things that he thought of that he wanted to talk to me about, so I could quickly stop by and collect it and take it to him when I go talk to him.'

When I was certain both the messages sent, I made my way out of the stronghold and flew back to the town and landed out front of Rae, Caspian and Aax's house.

Just as I was about to knock on the door, the door opened and there stood Caspian with Rae's Field Notes.

"Hi Caspian" I smiled.

"Hi, I'm guessing you're here to collect Rae's notebook?" Caspian responded, to which I nodded in response. He then handed me the book and we said our goodbyes, before I then flew off to the Archives.

The first thing I saw when I entered the archives was Rae pacing around. Meanwhile, I saw Athena sitting on the stairs. The pair of them were talking so I decided to remain silent and waited for them to notice my presence, which didn't take too long as Athena soon stopped talking and turned to look at me.

"Hi, you must be Lumeria. I'm Athena, the one who messaged you asking is you wanted to hang out sometime" they said smiling.

"Yep, I'm Lumeria. It's nice to meet you" I replied.

"You don't have to pretend like this is the first time your meeting me. Rae was just telling me about how this reset is stuck in a loop and you remember everything from each time it's looped" Athena smiled.

"Oh, okay. Oh and that reminds me, Rae I think you forget something before we went to talk to Epros" I said as I held up his Field Notes.

"You found it? Where was it?" Rae said as he quickly walked over to me.

"After leaving the end, Caspian messaged me saying you had left it at home and that you weren't answering your communicator so I told him that I would stop by and collect it for you" I replied, handing the book over to him, which Rae took with a small 'thank you'.

"And that reminds me" Athena piped up as she stood up and walked over to me, taking a small bunch of cornflowers and orchids and handing them to me.

"Thank you Athena," I smiled at which they smiled back, "anyways, Rae you said you wanted to talk to me about something?"

"Oh yeah, Athena and I had a few thoughts about how we could potentially find an end to the loops" Rae replied before leading me and Athena into the workshop.

"So what are your thoughts?" I asked.

"Well, Epros said the reset would continue looping until you find out the true truth about yourself, right? So, what if we get a notebook and right down all the stuff you know about yourself and each time you learn something new you write it down" Rae suggested.

"I guess that could work but how do we know for sure that we find out what needs to be found out to end the loop?" I asked.

"Maybe you will be sent to the period you were in when the reset began to loop?" Athena shrugged.

"I guess that's a possibility" I said with a small shrug.

"So, you up to giving it a shot?" Athena and Rae asked in unison.

"Let's do it" I smiled.

And with that, Rae grabbed a book for me and I began to write down all the things I knew about myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30 ⏰

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