34. Days of Waiting

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It has been a week since Taehyung and Jeongguk haven't talked to each other. A week full of longing. Jeongguk goes to the university everyday with a hope of seeing Taehyung once. But to his disappointed Taehyung hasn't attended university this whole week. He tried calling him multiple times just to hear his voice but the phone comes switched off every time.

It was another day of Jeongguk waking up and leaving his bed unwillingly... He gets ready for the university and leaves the lonely apartment. The only thing that was keeping him sane was Taehyung's promise of coming back to him.

In this one week Jeongguk has realized one very important thing... And today he would do anything to meet his Taehyung even if the other was angry with him. He makes his way to the parking lot of the apartment building and gets in his car.

Bus rides without Taehyung beside him were boring for him.

Soon he reaches the university and makes his way through the corridor. He reaches his locker and starts to take out his books for the first lecture. He feels someone tap his shoulder and turns around. His expression turns uninterested when he sees Jihyo standing there. He immediately turns back to his locker not wanting to talk to anyone... Especially Jihyo.

"Jeongguk-ah... Please listen to me once... Look I'm-I'm sorry for what I did that day... I shouldn't have kissed you without your permission... B-but can't you accept my feelings towards you. Nowadays Kim also doesn't come to the university. I know he left everything... Then why don't you come to me? "Jeongguk furrows his eyebrows and turns around to face her.

"Jihyo I told you once that I am sorry, but I don't feel the same way as you do. And to be honest, I already have someone in my heart and now you also know who that is... And I believe he will come back to me again...So please move on from these feelings. I know it hurts when someone you like doesn't like you back in the same way, but it's upon us to find our happiness again. You will surely get someone who will like you back, but that someone is not me Jihyo..." Jeongguk says. Jihyo just looks at him with blurry eyes and then blinks the tears away.

"I'll see you in the next class" She clears her throat and walks away. Jeongguk stares at her retreating back and sighs. It was necessary to make things clear for Jihyo or else in the end she will be the one to get hurt. The bell rings and he walks towards his class with a blank expression on his face. He was like this since the day Taehyung and he didn't talk to each other.

Even Yoongi and Hoseok noticed it but Jimin told them that maybe Jeongguk is tired that's why he is like this and they somehow believed him.

Jeongguk can just hope that things will turn out right once again...


It was after the university got over that Jeongguk decided to drive to Jin's cafe to see if Taehyung was there. He didn't know Jin's home address but he found his cafe's address from the internet. Although, he was not sure if Taehyung would be there or not but he was not able to wait more to see him. Just a glimpse of the aforementioned would be enough for him. It was the month of November now, winter season had begun and he sees everyone were clad in their overcoats and Jackets. He remembers Taehyung stating winters as his favorite time of the year because of his birthday and holiday season.

Jeongguk soon reaches Jin's cafe and walks out of the car. But rather than crossing the road and going inside the cafe he just leans against the car as he observes the cafe through the big window.

He sees Jin going back and forth serving the customers with the help of the workers. Taehyung once told him that Jin's father was Taehyung's grandpa's secretary and that's how he got to meet Jin in Daegu. He really was a hardworking person just like his father and Jeongguk can also see it.

Jin really admired Taehyung like a younger brother and if Taehyung said that he was not ready to meet Jeongguk then Jin would do anything to make Jeongguk stay away from him until and unless Taehyung says so.

Jeongguk sighs as he sees no signs of Taehyung in the cafe from the place he was standing. But he sees Jin walking outside the cafe with a small shopping bag and a list in his hands.

He might be going to buy something for the cafe...

He slightly widens his eyes as he sees a chance to enter the cafe for a minute and look for Taehyung without Jin noticing him. He carefully crosses the road and makes his way inside the cafe. A strong scent of caffeine hits his nose and he feels the atmosphere warmer than outside.

His eyes immediately search for Taehyung in every possible seat. The cafe was a one storey building so there was no other room for Taehyung to be in other than the cafe.

A disappointed expression appears on his face.

He is not here...

"Jeongguk?" He hears and turns around. He widens his eyes as he sees that person.

"Jin hyung" He whispers.

"What are you doing here? Look if you want to meet Taehyung then he's not here, he-"

"No...I was just passing by... I'll see you later" He goes out before Jin could say anything. He didn't want Jin to know that he was here for Taehyung Or else Jin would tell Taehyung and he might get angrier. (That's what that dumb bunny thought lol)

He gets in his car and drives towards his apartment mentally praying that he somehow gets to meet Taehyung.


Happy New Year💗💗 May this year be filled with so many happy and memorable moments for you!

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