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Y'all know da drill . Comment or else. Also I barely tried on this chapter.

Nobody's Pov.

Y/n and Tione hated each other deeply. It all started with their third year of high school. Tione had cheated on Y/n with a few girls she knew as a result she used him for money, and paid someone to set his car on fire, not telling him she knew what he did. She then hired someone to go around telling people she was dating them 'When they go low I go to hell' was her saying. They were currently in Gym at the moment doing some running inside as it was still winter for them.

As Tione was passing Y/n he said "maybe if you worked out more you wouldn't be looking like that" laughing at his own joke. Soon as those words left his mouth she tripped him up leading him to plummet straight to the floor. "Oh my gosh are you okay?!" She fake acted concerned so she wouldn't be suspicious. She held her hand out (👀😇💁🏾‍♀️😛🌚)

He let out a low grumble as he looked up at her laying on his stomach. He smacked her hand away "bitch fuck out my face!" He yelled. "What did I do?" She started to fake act sad and even threw in a few stutters.

"Mr. Merritt! After school detention!" The coach said as she made her way over to them. "And Y/n detention for you too!" She said turning her head, spitting as she talked. "What did I do!?" Y/n spoke in a high pitched voice whenever she lied or got caught.

"Look at your clothes! Your shirt is too small!" The coach said. Y/n was confused cause the school didn't even have a dress code. Teachers these days. Usually Y/n would put on a fake quiet and nice act at school but the coach just got on her nerves. "Well maybe you should change too. I mean who the hell wears that to a school?!" She responded back. The coach had on some short shorts, a very much see through crop top and a small jacket to 'cover up'.

Y/n Pov.

"If anything your violating this 'dresscode' more then me!" This teacher just pissed me off. "That's enough both of you go!" She responded. I grabbed my bookbag and speed walked to detention. It was about 4 other students in there. Never been here before.

I saw Tione coming so I purposely shut the door as soon as he got close. I wanted to laugh but it was so quiet. I popped one of my headphones in and put my head down to pass time. "Bitch ass" I heard someone mumble. I looked back and stuck my middle finger up at Tione cause who else woulda said that??.

Soon enough the other students left which was weird I guess everybody got a certain amount of time. Me and Tione had 3 hours which was practically the rest of school. 'And there won't no teacher in here? What kinda detention is this?. Tuh.' Lemme stop talking to myself.

I looked down at my phone to change my playlist to something more chill. I then went to my RnB playlist. And Jhene Aiko Started playing lowly. As soon as I relaxed I felt something hit the back of my head. I looked down to see a piece of paper. "If you do one more thing I'ma fuck you up" I said looking this monkey in the eyes. He just smirked and licked his lips. 'Damn he so sexy.' I thought.

|Time skip|

"Oh my gosh fuck!" Right now Y/n was bent over the desk with her pants halfway down. The room dark. No light let in whatsoever. Her eyes were rolling to the back of her head as she was taking Tione's dick in her wet, aching pussy. He was holding her waist as he watched her ass bounce while he was dicking her down.

'how the fuck did this happen!?' she thought. One second she hates him the next she letting him in. "You like when I fuck you huh? Don't you ma?" He asked in a low voice. All she could do was nod her head while moaning. "Yessuh! Right there I'm so close" Y/n spoke as she reached one of her hands down to rub her clit. She was getting overstimulated but she was too busy chasing her orgasm.

Tione then pulled her up, his chest now against her back as his hand was wrapped around the front of her neck holding her up.he sucked on her neck as he to, was about to cum. "You so pretty fa' me ma" he spoke with low hooded eyes. They've been going at it for almost 47 minutes now.

Knowing him he could go longer but school would end in about a hour and some stuff. As he fucked her good, she fucked him back. They locked eyes as she now had her hands against the wall. "Why you fucking me like this" She dragged out as she felt herself cumming. He then stopped and pulled himself out.

He nutted on her lower back. But he wasn't done. He then turned Y/n around and picked her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he put her back against the wall. Her arms wrapped around his neck as he positioned his cock to go right into her dripping hole. He then started off slow and then gradually got faster within seconds. "Oh fuck! I'ma cum again!!" She cried out as tears were running down her cheeks.

He wiped her tears with his thumb as he was still fucking her. Staring her into her eyes. He kissed both of her cheeks. She smiled lazily. Y/n then put her head in the crook of his neck. "I'm almost there mama, a few more minutes" Tione grunted as he knew she was getting tired. His paste sped up. Her pussy was throbbing. Like a heart beat(🙊).

Soon enough he came inside her. She moaned out one last time. He then removed himself from her.


We were in Tione's car on our way to his house. He put his hand on my thigh as I was calling in and out of sleep. Sex sure can be tiring. I just wanted to take a hot shower and sleep. Next thing I know we're at his house. He got out and picked me up bridal style.

Nobody's Pov.

As Tione made it in the house he took Y/n upstairs and gave her a plan b and a cold water. She took the pill and then started undressing herself again. Soon enough he was undressed too and they took a hot steaming shower. "Why you always taking a boil shower man" he spoke as he couldnt take the heat. Y/n just shrugged as she continued to shower.

As soon as they got out she felt how wet her bonnet had got so she took it off letting her hair out. She needed to wash her hair anyways. Y/n sat on the end of the bed as Tione put lotion and all that other stuff on her body.

She then put on one of his oversized plain shirts to sleep in and grabbed her other bonnet. He put on his boxers, turned off the lights, and they climbed into bed. He spooned her as they soon fell asleep.

I just thought of this and couldn't let it go to waste💁🏾‍♀️

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04 ⏰

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