Chapter 2: New Environment

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Zyla leaned against the window of the limo, her mind wandering far away. She saw the orphanage that had trapped her for so long slowly fading away in her sight as the limo sped off. She noticed Blamore examining her but she did not bother looking. Zyla was never stupid and knew they were bringing her to another hell and the orphanage was nothing compared to it. She did wonder why they need to limo to fetch her but she gave up thinking about it and told herself to enjoy the moment as this might be her last time this comfortable. 

"What are you thinking?" Blamore asked, his eyes remaining on Zyla, piercing. His voice was low, very low. Zyla didn't dare to look his way, she feared to make eye contact with him. Blamore chuckled and looked away. "Am I that intimidating?" Blamore said teasingly, his eyes focused on the scenery outside of the window. Yes, she thought. Blamore didn't try to continue the conversation with Zyla and instead closed his eyes and relaxed on the seat. Zyla knew this could be the chance of her escaping but judging from how Blamore is so casual and nonchalant, she knew that she would be no match with him. There seem to be a mysterious aura around Blamore that told her not to be too close with him. Now that Blamore had took of his hat, Zyla could not help but gasp again at how strikingly good-looking he was. His hair was black, pure black like crow's feather. His features sharp and handsome, with his eyes closed and the even rises and falls of his chest, he looked like a god that had fallen from heaven, dangerous but attractive. Zyla's body leaned forward and thought how Blamore looked to perfect, if he was an art piece, he would be sky-high price. Blamore seemed to sense something as he slowly opened his eyes and those eyes stared right into Zyla's eyes. 

Zyla immediately tore her eyes away from Blamore as she quickly pulled her body back to the seat, her back tight against the seat, her body stiff. Blamore sitting opposite of her remained silence but Zyla could feel his eyes looking at her. Blamore's eyes though not showing any aggressiveness, Zyla could feel how formidable he was. Blamore didn't continue to judge Zyla but instead pulled out a file and turned his focus away. Zyla could not help but notice how they had travelled in the limo for so long and yet to arrive at their destination. She watched as they travelled further and further away from the city and into a forest. 

"Why are we going into the forest?" Zyla said after having a long debate in her brain whether she should speak. Blamore raised an eyebrow and looked up from the document he was reading. "You don't need to know." He said dryly. Zyla regretted even speaking. Blamore didn't try to continue their conversation and directed his attention right back to the documents. Zyla got the hint how Blamore had dismissed her and went back to look at the scenery outside. They seem to went deeper into the forest as the amount of sunlight reaching into the forest become lesser as the woods were denser. What kind of school is built in a virgin forest, Zyla thought. She had a lot of questions in her mind but she knew it would not be the best option to ask that person sitting opposite of her that showed not interest in talking at all, and she knew the conversation would end up dead no matter what she ask. 

Then, Zyla noticed something in the woods. Eyes. Eyes that were stalking her, thirsty eyes. Zyla sucked in a sharp breath as those eyes did not seem to belong to humans but beasts. Blamore might have noticed something as he looked up at the direction Zyla was looking at. He still remained his nonchalant face but Zyla could feel how the atmosphere temperature seem to drop and his eyes darkened. The aggressiveness in the eyes outside were replaced by fear as soon as they saw Blamore. It didn't take long before they disappeared into the woods.

The fatal look in Blamore's eyes immediately went away as he went back to the documents while Zyla was left in shock. However, the shock did not last long when Zyla saw a grand building appeared in her sight. Her eyes widened in awe. The limo stopped right in front of the building and Blamore opened the door. 

"Welcome to Abnormal Academy,"Blamore said, "where you will spend the your eternity here with torture."

Author note: Blamore's inspiration from a friend of mine

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