Chapter 3 Lending a Helping Hand

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Fatima goes to the office and Hayden knocks on her door. Good morning gorgeous he says and Fatima says Good Morning Hayden. Do you like the flowers I sent you he says. They are nice Hayden what do you want she says. Dinner tonight at 8 at your favorite restaurant my mother will be there he says.

Yeah I will eat dinner with her and not you she says. Come on Fatima I am a good dude let me show you how good of a dude I am he says. Hayden for the millionth time we don't need go down that rabbit hole I am good on man right she says. But I ain't just any man I am Hayden Moss and you should be happy I am a rich men who is trying to swipe you up off your feet. Wow Hayden I don't give a damn about money but how about this drop being so argent and I will maybe just maybe let you take me out but until then no she says.

Okay but you know your gone fall in love with me and get married to me and have my babies he states. Babies Nigga see bye Hayden bye now shit we got an interviews coming in. See I don't know why you like to help people he says. Hayden please move I am tired of your games she says. Andrea Barnes she says and Andrea looks up.

Yes that's me sorry I'm so earlier Andrea states. No being on time is perfect come right on in to my office. Thank you so much she says and sits down.Your resume is amazing says Fatima and Andrea smiles thank you. I want hire you right away cause for one I don't want anyone to get you says Fatima.

I can start tomorrow says Andrea and my friends call me Andi. Good I would love to meet co workers that turn into friends says Fatima. Hayden and I have been doing it for so long it's time to add some fresh new faces to the law firm welcome to the team she says. Thank you so much I can't wait to tells my girls says Andi. Girlfriends aww that's cute I have a little clique of my own it's just two girls we been friends since college.

Same with me says Andi and Fatima smiles maybe we can all go out for a drink one day or out eat says Fatima. That would be good see you tomorrow Fatima says Andi. Fatima walks her out and Hayden looks at her. So you hired someone too he says. Yes I did you did to Hayden? Yes Gary Boards and Fatima looks at him.

Hayden no sir no what the hell why she says. You get to hire five and I get to hire five that was the deal so stop whining he says. Fuck you Hayden and Gary she says and storms off. A few hours pass and Hayden comes into Fatima office and sits down. What Hayden she says. Look baby I did not meant to offend you he says.

First off stop calling me your baby and get down to the investment building. We got checks to hand out tonight she says. I can't go tonight you know I got go get moms from the airport he says and are we still on for eight tonight? He says. Oh that's right I need tell her how your getting this nervous go get your mother and I will see you at 8. Where that black dress I like too he says.

Just for that I'm wear the green one you hate so much she says. He looks at her and smacks his teeth and walks out the door. Fatima packs up and heads to the bank and picks up the checks. Hey girl says Maurice and Fatima smiles. Hey girl how are you she says. I am good I'm just tired of my manager what a bitch he says. Who Sabrina she says and he nods looking like a leopard with that dress on. Maurice don't be mean now she says.

Sabrina walks out of her office and walk over and says Hi to Fatima. Hey girl how are you says Fatima. I am good and you she says. Good doing good thanks for asking oh thank you for recommending your friend Andi she real awesome says Fatima. Sabrina folds her arms and looks at Fatima and Fatima looks up.

Is there a problem Sabrina says Fatima and Sabrina speaks. Yes there is why did you say Andi she only lets her friends call her that. Calm down you know me girl says Fatima. Do I tho says Sabrina and Fatima looks at Maurice. I told you itch he says and Fatima shakes her head.

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