Chapitre 3

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Hi, I'm sorry for the mistakes, but I hope you will enjoy this chapter.

Kazen pov :

I enter in the bedroom and find Asher packing his clothes to go the shower. We both stay silence and I exhale when he leaves the room. The room was quite simple, a desk, a double black bed and other black furniture. He told me earlier that I could put my things in the closet, my goal is to leave as fast as possible so no need to install myself here.

 I can't go and tell the headmaster that I don't want him because he is a guy, I need real arguments like him doing something bad. However from what I have seen it's going to be complicated so I need him to go to the headmaster to complain about me and they will change my partner or fire from the school which is way better. My plan is to piss him off and make him crazy.

My thought stop when the door opens. Asher enters in the room, he was only wearing pyjama pants and holy shit, he work out. I may have abuse by saying he can't physically handle me, it's probably going to be harder even if I will still win. I may have stared a bit too long at his torso because he smirks and point the bed.

- It's time to sleep.

- Ok, but I warn you if you try anything on me I swear to god I will kill you.

- Don't worry I will try nothing.

I enter in the bed and made sure to be as far as possible from him and fall asleep.


In the morning, we didn't speak to each other and stay in silence. Which, to be honest, is completely fine for me. I put on my uniform, a white shirt with a dark blue pants and a dark blue jackets. Asher has in addition a tie to show his "dominance".

My first class was maths and spend all class doing exercices by pair. I did them with Milo who is one of my closest friend here and a dominant. He talked about his submissive, Camilla, who was a brat and I complained about Asher which made him laugh. Then we ate at the canteen with Marlon, Axel and their submissives Andrea and Kiara. During lunch, I spot Asher staring at me which disturb me so I made faces. I explain the situation with my new dom and they all agree with me that the headmaster was crazy to put me with a boy.

Right now, I'm in sub class. M. Criver is talking about the differents accessories that we can use to intensify the pleasure like blindfolds, gags, handcuffs, leaches, candles, balaclavas, clamps, ... As a homework, we have to try at least two of them and see if we are confortable with it.

When the class finish, I quickly left even though Asher ask me to wait for him but what can I do. I haven't smoke in two days and if Asher sees me smoking he will probably kill me. I can tell he is the kind of guy who hates smoking. I go hide behind the gymnasium and begin to smoke. I stay there for a while and enjoy my cigarette.

I hear foot step next to me coming in my direction, I hope it's not Asher and just a teacher or a student. I don't want to see the person so I simply look to the ground. The footstep stop right next to me. Asher takes the cigarette from my hand, and with his other hand he, to my surprise, takes my hand and lead me to the trash can before throwing it. He keeps his hand in mine until we arrive at his place.

He sits on the sofa, and I sit next to him. There is a silence before Asher say :

- Do you have anything to say ?

- No

- You don't think you have an apologie to do ?

I shake my head no.

- Words.

- No.

- Okay in this case, you will kneel for 10 minutes next to me, without moving or talking. Because this is your first punishment I'm being lenient.

- I'm not going to kneel in front of you. And I did nothing wrong. I say as I stand up.

- You left class when I told you to wait for me. You disappear, I didn't know where you were. And you smoke, but I didn't told you I didn't want you to do that so I will let that slide. So why did you left ?

- Because I needed to smoke and I knew you were going to say no.

- Okay, but you still desobey, so kneel. And don't make it harder.

I stay there, on my feet. Who do he think he is. He is not a god, I will not kneel before him. Suddenly I felt his hands pushing down my shoulders and his foot hit my behind the knee making me kneeling in front of him. I tried to resist but I couldn't. I saw him smirk when I tried to escape from his hands, helplessly. After a moment, I gave up and relax myself to make understand.

- Good, now please bend on the floor. I want you to be fully kneel. 

I bend myself as he ask. He came behind me and mode his foot move between my legs to split them. Then he sits and begin to tap on his computer. 

Why didn't I resist when he gave me his hand ? I probably knew he was mad and didn't want to piss him off. Yes, but before I didn't care to make my dom mad or to piss them off. Why did I bend when he ask me ? Because I was too tired to fight back when I knew I was going to lose. 

All of these questions were running in my head ans I was trying to find answers but I was stop by small carresses on top of my head. I raise it and Asher told me the time was over and I could either sit on the couch or stay in this position. But I'm not a psycopath so I sit.

- You did really good, even tought the beginning was hard, I'm very proud of you. Now, do you have anything to say ?

- I'm sorry for running away, smoking, and refusing the punishment. I sigh

- Thank you, how do you feel about the punishment ?

- It was fine.

- Okay, we didn't have time to talk about the punishment yet. But I knew that this was okay  and there were no risk. So as you saw, I always ask the reason as the behavior before punishing and I ask to apologies, sometimes the punishment will make you think and you will do it after. Right now, we are doing the aftercare, I will ask you how did you feel about the punishment and usually you will have something that will reconfort you. It can be a cup of tea, a movie, a teddy bear, cuddles. Anythings. So what do you want ?

- Nothing, can I now go in my room ?

- Yes. Answer Asher in a sigh.

I mean, what was he expecting that I ask him to cuddle me. No thank you. The rest of the evening was silent even thought he tried to talk to me. I fall asleep on the opposite side of the bed thinking o what just happen and how everything was going to be.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04 ⏰

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