A Feast for the Ages

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 The table was set, chairs in place and food was all ready. Smoked and cured meats, fresh fruits and vegetables and pastries for dessert. There were even some grains and seeds for Henrietta to enjoy. Everything was almost perfect. Everything but the dark and gloomy shadow that was Véttr. He sat by the lake in his mortal form, creating small orbs of golden light and toying with them. At times he would pull them apart and create a string of twinkling starlight. He weaved the twinkling thread around his fingers and set to work making an outfit of pure starlight. It was a bodice smooth and soft as silk with a short skirt ending mid thigh in the front and trailing down the back. He then created three small stars and turned them into a beautiful necklace of silver light. Véttr then whispered an enchantment upon the necklace and smiled. The water before him bubbled and rippled, distorting the still reflection of the moon.

"My love, after all my hard work, I finally got it. When you wear this necklace, you can walk upon the land. We can finally be together, like we always dreamed of."

"Are you certain it'll work?"

"I am certain."

Vatn smiled and turned around, Lifting her wavy deep blue hair, she giggled and eyed the outfit. Véttr may have been known for his work in the skies, but his craftsmanship ranged beyond the sky. Once he finished clasping the necklace around her neck he hummed. She turned around and looked him in the eye.

"How does it look?"

"It matches your eyes perfectly."

Véttr then handed her the outfit and helped her get dressed. He smiled and offered his hand to her, she was notably nervous about stepping onto land but she pushed past her fears and took his hand with a bright smile. She took a slow first step, the water gently rippled at her movement. She was so close to the edge of the lake that some of the fear crept back in. Véttr noticed and gave her a reassuring smile.

"You can do this my love."

Véttr squeezed her hand, forcing away her fears and her thoughts of dread. She inhaled deep and exhaled softly. Lifting her foot, she stepped out of the water and onto dry land. Squeezing her eyes shut, she expected to feel the strong pull of the lake but it wasn't there. Opening her eyes, she looked at Véttr and started to smile and laugh.

"You...you did it!"

Véttr scooped up Vatn and carried her in a bridal fashion. He carried her up until they got to the long table and carefully set her down. When her feet touched the bare ground, she giggled softly as a soft bell rang. The instrument started to slow and a different song started to play.

"Must be time for the feast, come, let's go sit."

"But what if I have nowhere to sit?"

"Nonsense. If they did not give you a seat, then you may have my lap to sit upon."

 Vatn smiled and took his hand. They both walked over to the table with Soarin, the other wolves and Yvette with Henrietta following close behind. They all took their seats and talked in a hushed tone as Vatn sat in Véttr's lap. Véttr took some annoyance at their whispering and seeing them eye Vatn. he started to snarl when suddenly Dýr snapped his jaw.

"Enough whispering. Vatn is just as welcome to this feast just like all of us. It would be a shame if she couldn't be here like she is now. We should all be grateful that none of our loves are bound by such a magic."

"Thank you Dýr."

Dýr nodded at Vatn and eyed Véttr, seeing him quit his snarling. Everyone took Dýr's words into consideration, especially Ulf. he knew what it was like to be separated from his beloved Soarin. Looking at his brother, he shared a sorrowful look. Véttr took notice of this look and shared it.

"We'll, why don't we all dig in? There's plenty for everyone!"

Fáel announced with a playful smile. Fáelán whispered that he'll help Henrietta get her portion because it would be much harder if she had to get it herself. Henrietta clucked happily as Fáelán left to get both of their meals. Yvette and Fáel both got up at the same time to get their portion but Dýr and Líf didn't go to eat.

"You both aren't eating?"

"Oh, we don't necessarily need to eat. We can but most times we don't need to."

Yvette nodded and accidentally bumped into Véttr. His pearl eyes looked down at her but he just chuckled. He was in a much better mood than he normally would be. Everyone had their portion of the large feast and started eating and laughing.

"Oh that's right! I forgot a little something!"

Fáel got up and wandered over to a tree stump. Lifting the lid, he pulled out some bottles of red wine. Walking over the table he passed around the bottles everyone poured themself a glass and drank while eating. 

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