chapter 15

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The two go to a village in King's landing that is more decent than the flea dumps, of course, Y/n would never take Jasmyne to that hole, and Y/n goes to the house of a friend she met years ago when she went there to try to help people in need in some way.

  Y/n wonders if she still remember her, but she thinks you couldn't forget her that easily, she's a Targaryen, her striking features wouldn't be forgotten that easy.

  They go to a small house but considered quite large for anyone who lived there in that small village. Y/n knocks on the door, she thinks that people are already waking up at this hour around there, the sun is already showing signs that it will soon be in the sky, illuminating everything and Y/n knows she needs to be faster.

- Hello - A tall boy appears at the door and Y/n looks at him strangely, he is very peculiar and she had never seen him there either.

- Is Mrs. Anne here? - She asks, still looking at him.

- Yes, she is but she's still sleeping but if you want to leave a message I'll pass it on to her. - The boy smiles kindly and Y/n is getting more and more scared. This boy has platinum hair.

- I would like to speak to her in person, please, if possible. - Y/n says and the boy nods and opens the door for her and Jasmyne to enter. - Sorry for being rude, my name is Y/n and this is Jasmyne. - she introduces herself looking a little disconcerted.

- It's a pleasure to meet you. - The boy says. - My name is Aaron. - He introduces himself too and then looks at where the rooms are. - I'll wake up Dona Anne so you can talk to her. - he says and Y/n nods, sitting on one of the sofas that were there with Jasmyne.

  A few minutes have passed and Y/n can't get out of her head how strange it is for that young boy to have platinum hair. It's a unique feature of your family. She thinks, thinks and thinks but she doesn't know who in her family that boy could be the son of, Of Daemon it certainly isn't, Daemon wouldn't make a bastard child, of Viserys much less, and of Rhaenyra it certainly wouldn't either. This is so disconcerting to her.

  She comes out of her thoughts when the voice she hasn't heard in years calls her name, seeming thrilled to see her again.

- Y/n - Ms. Anne calls her as if she is doubting that it really is her. - How you changed, I thought I would never see you again, dear. -  the lady speaks in an emotional voice.

- Hi Ms. Anne... Of course I would come back. -Y/n gets up to hug her and when they separate Y/n quickly remembers that she needs to get back to the castle as soon as possible and hurries to say: - I need a big favor from you ma'am. -she says and the lady immediately makes a determined expression as if she were saying that if she needed to go to war she would go.

- You can talk, girl. - She says determinedly and Y/n smiles.

- Do you still have that house that you used to rent to other people? - Y/n asks and Ms. Anne nods. - Well, I wanted to buy it. - Y/n says and Ms. Anne's eyes widen, well, that wasn't what she expected.

- But why? Don't you live in the castle? Why do you need a house like that? - Dona Anne asks in confusion and the boy behind her widens his eyes with the new information that the woman ahead lives in a castle.

- It's for my friend, the one over there on the couch. - Y/n points and Jasmyne smiles at the lady who returns the smile. - She needs a place to live and a job if you can find one for her, I would be very grateful.

- Look girl, jobs around here are almost non-existent, there are no more fairs and now people are just making a living by making clothes and cooking food to sell in their own homes. They are afraid of being robbed. - The lady says and Jasmyne gets up, moving closer.

- I know how to knit, do burgundy and sew. I also know how to cook the basics, like cakes and some other things. Whatever you can arrange for me, I will be grateful. - The girl says hopefully and Dona Anne smiles affectionately.

- So you can help me with the things I do here at home. - the lady says and Jasmyne is ready to nod happily.

- Here's the money to buy the house, Dona Anne. But now I'll have to go, if the servants don't find me in my room in a few hours I'll be really screwed. - Y/n says and hands the package of gold coins to Ms. Anne and is already running to the door when Aaron calls her.

- Hang on! I will accompany you to the exit of the village, things here are not safe for a woman to walk around alone. - Y/n nods, she knows she doesn't need any security but she also knows that even if she denies it, Ms. Anne will insist and won't let her go alone anyway.

- Bye Jasmyne, I'll be back to visit you in a few weeks. And to you too, Ms. Anne. - she says loudly as she leaves alongside Aaron.

  They walk side by side for a few minutes without saying anything but Y/n continues to feel strange around that boy. The fact that he has platinum hair makes her feel disconcerted on a level that even she doesn't understand.

- Sorry for the question, but how old are you? - Y/n finally releases this question that is stuck inside her, of course she doesn't want to ask just that but it's enough.

- I'm 16 years old, ma'am. - The boy says and gives her a gentle smile. Those eyes of his remind her of someone, someone who would be turning 16 this year. She thinks but leaves the thought aside, she doesn't want to think about this subject that makes her suffer so much.

- Do your relatives have blonde hair? -Y/n asks trying to go deeper into the boy's story, she wants to make sure he isn't a Targaryen bastard who was abandoned by someone from her family.

- I never met my family, I think they died after I was born and someone decided to leave me here in the village for someone to take care of me, or they abandoned me. I don't know, I just know that Dona Anne said that I appeared in a basket nearby and she decided to raise me. That's all I know. - He says and with each sentence Y/n feels a twist in her stomach.

- I'm very sorry. - Y/n says almost as if she could stop there and hug him like she does her children. She feels something strange about this boy. - But, as Donna Anne said, job opportunities here are scarce. So and say Aaron, do you have a job? - she asks, deciding to change the subject.

- In fact, I try to help Dona Anne but I get in the way more than I help. I don't do well with cooking, threads and needles. - he says awkwardly and Y/n lets out a little laugh.

- I can get you a job at the castle if you want. - She offers and the boy seems surprised by the proposal.

- If you could, I would really appreciate it. I want to feel useful and it's kind of difficult for that to happen here. - he says, shrugging his shoulders and lowering his head a little.

- So that's right, I'll go back to the castle and in a few hours I'll show up there and say I want to talk to Princess Y/n and they'll take you to me. - Y/n says and smile at him than smile back.

- Thank you very much! - Aaron says and with his excitement he ends up hugging her which takes her by surprise and for a few seconds she remains static but then hugs him back.

- Now I have to go, thank you for coming here with me. - Y/n says and starts to walk away from him heading towards the castle.

- You're welcome! - Aaron responds a little loudly since she is already a little far away.

A/N: new character. Tell me your theories.

Xoxo 😘

A cruel and Sweet Queen /Aemond and Y/N Targaryen - English version Where stories live. Discover now