Chapater 17 ~ Dark secrets surface

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Blairs Pov.

The hang up dile tone rang out of the phone. I placed it down onto the coffee table that recedes next to the lounge I'm so elegantly sitting on.

"Have you done it?" Charlotte whispered looking around the door frame.

I replied with a curt nod and sighed. It feels as if I've swallowed a stone that weighs me down. I feel heavy and grimy, lying and keeping my location secret feels wrong.

"Well my daft brother has again called you to him, I think he might be a little upset because of your moon eyes at breakfast this morning" she droned.

My heart thumped hard against my ribs. Will there be punishment for that?

"Okay, I'll head that way now then" I concluded with masked fear.

She grabbed my arm as I tried to exit the room.

"Your to precious to him to be scalded Blair, your not Katrina" she spoke with strong caring eyes.

I let myself believe her words and thanking her with a small hug. I made it through the halls and down to the throne room. The grand high doors separated us. My last chance to flee slips away as I move the door forward. The rooms empty but a figure stood at the other side of the room dressed in old fashioned dress robes. Something that looks like it's come out of the dark ages.

Is it Nylon? I could not tell as the mans back faced my own as he admired the view from one of the many glass stained windows that lined the hall.

My stride towards him was fast. my bare feet made small noises on the floor that I cursed at. why can't I be more gracious and quiet?

"Why did you show me your eyes this morning?" He spoke suddenly. I halted in my stride.

So it is Nylon... What is he doing in here alone dressed how he is? And that tone of voice...

"Because you gave me no choice. I was angry. you stole me from my life for some revenge plot against my progenitor!" I scowled.

I didn't mean for my voice to come out so harsh. I cursed beneath my breath.

He turned and rushed up to me until we were nose to nose. I could feel his breath tickle my lips. His eyes black with an unknown emotion.

His hand grabbed the tips of my hair. he pulled it up and put it between us.

"Your progenitor caused me some horrible pain Blair. She killed my father and made our mother go mad"

Tears brimmed in my eyes. I brought the lifted hair and put it back down.

"So you do this all for revenge? To continue the destruction your father wanted?" I croaked.

His eyes shifted back to that stark emerald and it was apparent that there was more to this puzzle then I thought.

"Everyone in this castle hates you Blair. Nightmare was hurt by Katrina, his kind wiped because of her powers"

He avoided my last remark but that explains his hatred towards me. He gripped my chin and made sure he looked me right in the eyes.

"Though you are not Katrina so he has no interest in killing you. but Blair you're the key... you're my beacon to that wolf. To end what she had started a Millenia ago"

Tears flowed down my cheeks. Am I to die when she finally arrives here? A beacon for war. that's the silliest thing I've heard.

but it can't be helped.

His eyes changed emotion again. To something I do not recognise.

"Your so beautiful. a real re-carnation of Katrina's beauty put back into a youthful face"

His hand caressed my cheek so softly. Is there more he is not truly revealing? His bi polar actions confuse me.

His eyes. So much like his fathers, but different. The man I saw in my dream had the same broody eyes. but though love was not present in those monsters eyes there is a sliver left in his.

What is it?

Again his lips brushed mine. How I curse myself for not moving but I physically couldn't. the will to move just wasn't there. I stay frozen as if someone else had my body.

"The amount of information you know is astonishing Blair. Your connection to her must be stronger then I thought" he whispered against my ear. A tingly sensation went down my neck.

"Don't" I whimpered.

"Don't what? Oh... You must feel her bond to. Curious, a doppelgänger has this feeling as well. Though you two are distant in the blood line" he chuckled.

He traced a finger down my back and it arched in a good way. My wolf was silent in my head. Usually no one other then a mate can cause a reaction but it's as if she is blocked from my consciousness. It feels as if my head is empty.

He chuckled and brought me close.

"You have a connection that I did not know of before. If I do something will she feel it to?"

This is a dark secret that has surfaced. What was Katrina to him...?

Im scared. What am I to do?



Hello fellow wattpad readers! (⌒▽⌒)

I have realised I had left this book without an update for a whole year and a bit! I do apologise but I've done another chapter which isn't short so enjoy! (≧∇≦)

Again so sorry haha /.\

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2018 ⏰

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