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Scorching pain laced through the wound on my wrist. Biting down on the freshly busted lip my cry of pain subsided.

The man in front of me holding a plant of some sort twirled the putred thing between his thick leather covered fingers. The look of  anticipation glowed mercifully in the black orbs of his as he lowered it back down to my wrist.

"Please!" I shouted in terror.

The shrill dead laughter echoed around the field of rotting grass and bodies of countless wolves.

Before the plant touched my wrists again a high pitched bell sung loudly jolting my conscience wake.

"What the..?" I stated rubbing my wrists painfully.

Not remembering how two red ivy shaped burns appeared on my lightly tanned skin.

"Your not still asleep are you?" My mother asked ripping the curtains across the scratchy metal pole.

Frightened from the suddenness of her appearance my legs tangled in the sheets in the feeble attempt to escape.

My mothers laughter brought a sour smile to my face.

"Really mum? Was that nesassary?" I sarcastically remarked picking up myself and the little dignity that remained now in tatters.

She laughed covering her mouth with her brightly painted orange nails that she likes to call edgy.

"Oh please bunny you love me. Now get up otherwise you'll be late for senior year" she tittered while ushering herself back out of my room slamming my door unintentionally.

I hate that bunny nickname. I picked up a rabbit and it bit me one time!

Skulking out of bed and feebly making it to the shower my intention to shower wasn't the highest. Thus taking 5 minutes to wash my body in coconut scented body butter and washing my hair with strawberry shampoo.

Seriously though I should be in the damn record book for the speediness of that. There wasn't even time to look at the freaky burns on my wrists from some freak dream. 

Instead I picked a nice pair of black jeans, maroon coloured high cropped top and plain black converse. Pleased with the short dirty blonded hair and blue eyed girl staring back in the mirror.

Time to go to school it seems. Another day, another idiot and another infuriating day of school drama.

Before the cavities of my wacky brain got carried away with the images of everyone being wild animals a loud honk signalled my ride.

Smirking to myself I proceeded downstairs out the door and into the chilly autumn air were her blue volts wagon sat comfortably parked on the gutter of which I entered through the closest door.

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