Chapter 14

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[As Anna trots up the spiraling exterior stairs, she hears voices coming from the topmost level and pauses, peering up through the grid-like floor above: Dumbledore and Snape.]
Snape: Have you ever considered that you ask too much? That you take too much for granted? Has it ever crossed your brilliant mind that I don’t want to do this anymore?
"He has backbone?" Said surprised Evan.
Dumbledore: Whether it has or hasn’t is irrelevant. I will not negotiate this with you, Severus. You agreed. There’s nothing more to discuss. [Anna stands poised, peering upward, where Dumbledore squints toward the dying sun and Snape glares at his back. Finally, Snape turns away and -- before Anna can react -- is descending the stairs. Seeing Anna, Snape falters briefly, then continues on without a word.]
"Why did he react like that?" Said confused Lily.
[As his footsteps fade, Anna ascends to the upper tier. Dumbledore turns. Smiles.]
Dumbledore: At times I forget how much you’ve grown. At times I still see the small girl from the cupboard.
"Of course he knew." Scoffed Sirius and glared at Dumbledore woth others.
"In Hogwarts help will be give to everyone, who asks for it my ass. Dirty liar." Sneered Barty.
Dumbledore: (smiling) Forgive my mawkishness, Anna. I am an old man.
Anna: You look the same to me, sir.
Dumbledore: Like your mother, you are unfailingly kind.
"She was being sarcastic, idiot!" Said Barty.
Anna: (whispers quietly) Yeah, i really wouldn't call that myself.
Dumbledore: A trait people never fail to undervalue. I’m afraid. [Dumbledore turns then, eyes the fiery sky again.]
Dumbledore: The place to which we journey tonight is exceedingly dangerous, Anna. I promised that you could accompany me and I stand by that promise. But there is a condition: You must obey any command I give you -- without question.
"No!" Said Lily, Remus, Evan and surprisingly, Narcissa.
"Absolutely not." Said James, Sirius, Barty.
Anna: I promise i will obey your every command today.
"Smart girl." Smirked Regulus.
Dumbledore: Understand what I’m saying. Should I tell you to hide, you must hide. [Anna nods.]
Dumbledore: Should I tell you to run, you will run. [Anna nods.]
Dumbledore: And should I tell you to abandon me and save yourself...
[Anna’s eyes rise, meet Dumbledore’s.]
Dumbledore: You will do so. [Anna nods.]
"She didn't even hesistate." Chuckled Lucius.
"Well... She already knows Cassie will have to kill him and it would be easier if he was already dead." Said Barty.
Dumbledore: Take my arm.
Anna: Sir, I thought one couldn’t Apparate within Hogwarts.
Dumbledore: Being me has its privileges.
Sirius rolled his eyes at Dumbledore.
[The wind gusts and Anna reaches out. Dumbledore’s cloak billows and we are tissed into Black.]
[Undulating. The sound of waves. We ease up, out of the ocean. A giant wave crashes over a jagged outcropping. As the spray clears... Dumbledore and Anna are revealed. Dumbledore eyes the towering cliff face opposite, the cave.]
Anna: It’s there, isn’t it?
[Anna and Dumbledore materialize. It is quiet here, eerily so, the waves merely distant thunder. As Anna glances about, Dumbledore moves to an archway, passes beyond. Anna follows, finds Dumbledore standing below a towering dome of rock, probing its mysteries with the light from his wand.]
Dumbledore: This is the place. Oh yes, this place has known magic. (closing his eyes) Where you stand, Anna, Tom Riddle once stood many, many years ago, when he was but a poor orphan boy with a penchant for cruelty...
"What's point of this talk? Just do the job and get out!" Said Remus.
[Dumbledore’s wand stops briefly in its arc and his face registers pain, as if detecting some past unpleasantry. He begins to trace his fingers over the surface of the rock.]
Dumbledore: One wintry afternoon, he lured two younger classmates to this cave. What happened is unclear. But this much is known: the children were damaged. [Dumbledore begins to murmur in a strange whispers as his fingers play over the rock... then stop. His eyes open. He takes a dagger from his robes and draws the blade across his forearm, speckling the rock face with scarlet beads.]
Anna: Sir! [The rock face sizzles like acid and begins to crumble, forming a narrow opening.]
"What's he doing?" Asked Lily.
Dumbledore: In order to gain passage, payment must be made, payment intended to weaken any intruder.
[Dumbledore and Anna emerge onto the rim of a vast lake teeming with mist. A chill hangs in the air.]
Dumbledore: Careful. The water. [Anna peers into the lake. It is black as ink.]
[Anna follows Dumbledore around the rim of the lake. In the center, a greenish glow shimmers in the mist.]
Dumbledore: It’s there. The only question is how do we get to it?
Anna: We couldn’t, perhaps, just try a Summoning Charm, sir?
"It wouldn't be so easy." Said Regulus.
"And it most likely has many traps." Added Barty.
[Dumbledore smiles, motions: Be my guest. Anna lifts her wand.]
Anna: Accio Horcrux! [There is an explosion and something pale erupts out of the water.]
"Is it- it- -?" Said horrified Regulus.
"I think." Shuddered Evan.
"What?" Asked Lily.
"Inferies." Answered Barty. Lily paled.
"It's-- His cruelty really has no bounds." Said disgusted James.
"Those children-- You think he--?" Asked Remus. Disgusted Sirius nodded.
[Anna nearly sheds her skin. Dumbledore calmly watches it vanish beneath the surface.]
Dumbledore: Perhaps not.
[Dumbledore leads Anna on. Stops. Takes a step back. He closes his eyes and to Anna’s horror walks right to the lake’s edge. As the dark water laps over the toes of his shoes, Dumbledore passes his hand slowly through the air, then closes it... as if gripping something invisible. Taking his wand, he gives his clenched fist a tap and a thick coppery-green chain appears out of thin air, extending from the water to Dumbledore’s hand.]
Dumbledore: If you would, Anna...
[Quickly Anna grasps the end of the chain and together she and Dumbledore pull, end over end, until the prow of a small boat pierces the surface, green with algae.]
Everyone watches this tense and worried.
[In eerie silence, the boat cleaves the water, ferrying Anna and Dumbledore toward the greenish glow.]
Anna: Sir... have you ever taken Felix Felicis?
Dumbledore: Only recreationally. You see, I believe one creates one’s own luck.
Some roll their eyes at him.
[Anna looks down into the water, watches a face skim by beneath the surface.]
Anna: Professor... there are bodies in this lake.
Dumbledore: Yes.
Anna: Please, tell me they aren't inferies.
Dumbledore: I'm afraid i can't tell you that.
[Here the greenish glow is ferocious. As the boat arrives, Dumbledore steps out.]
Dumbledore: Remember... the water.
[Anna nods, steps out carefully and joins Dumbledore at the source of the glow -- a basin filled with a Phosphorescent liquid. Dumbledore extends the tips of his blackened fingers toward the basin, but cannot touch the liquid.]
Anna: Do you think the Horcrux is in there, sir?
Dumbledore: Oh yes. [Dumbledore steps back, ponders the basin. Notes the crystall goblett sitting beside it. Smiles ruefully.]
Dumbledore: It has to be drunk. (as Anna reacts) You remember the condition on which I brought you with me? [Anna starts to respond. Stops. Nods.]
"What is it?" Asked Regulus curious.
Dumbledore: This potion might paralyze me. It might cause me to forget why I’m here. It might create so much pain I beg for relief. You are not to indulge these requests, Anna. It is your job to make sure I keep drinking this potion even if you have to force it down my throat. Understood? [Anna nods.]
Lily sights. James hold her hand.
[Dumbledore dips the goblet into the gleaming liquid and brings it to his lips. Drinks deep. Closes his eyes.]
Anna: Professor? [Dumbledore shakes his head, silencing Anna, then dips the goblet once more. Twice more he drinks. His hand trembles and he grips the side of the basin.]
Anna: Professor? Can you hear me?
[Dumbledore says nothing. The corners of his eyes twitch. His hand trembles, savagely this time, and he nearly
drops the goblet. Anna reaches out, steadies his hand.]
Dumbledore: Don’t... don’t make me...
[Anna eyes Dumbledore’s anguished face, steels herself.]
"It's so weird to see him without his usual twinkle." Whispered Narcissa. Lucius nodded.
Anna: You... you can’t stop, Professor. You’ve got to keep drinking. Like you said. Remember.
Dumbledore: Nooooooo!!! [Anna staggers back, so primal is Dumbledore’s plea. Dumbledore’s arm goes slack, the goblet clanging dully against the side of the basin. Anna takes a breath, steps forward, places her hand over Dumbledore’s, lifts
the cup.]
Dumbledore: Make it stop... Please... make it stop...
People look at Dumbledore shocked.
"It must be really strong potion." Said Lily.
Anna: It will, sir. It’ll stop. But only if you drink... [Anna tips the goblet over Dumbledore’s lips.]
Dumbledore: My fault. It’s all my fault... [Anna brings the goblet up once more. Dumbledore drinks.]
Dumbledore: Too much... I can’t... take it... I want... to die... kill... kill me... KILL ME, Anna!
"What is he seeing so horrible?" Asked Lily stunned.
Anna: What?
Dumbledore: Your word, Anna! Your word!
Anna: I also made a word that i would make you drink it even if you begged not to.
Dumbledore: KILL ME! IT’S THE ONLY WAY! [Dumbledore collapses, rolls onto his back. Anna pelts forward, dips the goblet into the basin and kneels by Dumbledore.]
Anna: One more. Just one more.[Dumbledore’s jaw relaxes and Anna pries open his mouth, tips the liquid down his throat. Pain ripples through Dumbledore’s face. He tries to speak, Anna eyeing him with trepidation, fearful of what he will request. Again and again Dumbledore struggles and then... his eyes... open. Find Anna.]
Dumbledore: Water. [A shudder of relief goes through Anna. Grinning, she leaps to the basin. A golden locket now lies at the bottom. Anna snatches it up.]
"They found it!!!!" Cheered James.
"Isn't that Slytherin locket?" Asked Lucius. Regulus and Narcissa nodded.
Dumbledore: Water...
Anna: Aguamenti. [Instantly cold clear water rises in the basin.]
Anna: You did it, sir. Look -- [Anna frowns. The goblet is empty.]
"No. It's a trap. Don't get close to water!!!" Yelled Barty.
Dumbledore: Water! [Anna dips the goblet into the basin yet again, brings it to Dumbledore’s lips... but once again finds it empty. Dumbledore tries to speak, but his lips are cracking, his tongue like sand. He gulps drily for air.]
Anna: I’m trying, sir. I’m -- [Anna stops. All is silent... except for the soft lapping of the lake. She considers the ghostly shapes gliding just below the surface.]
"No! Don't you dear!" Yelled Sirius.
[Deciding, she dips the goblet into the dark water. Instantly, the lake begins to churn. Anna backs away, the goblet sloshing in her hand. Faces, pale and haunted, quiver in the roiling water. Anna tips the water into Dumbledore’s mouth. Dumbledore blinks. His tongue probes his lower lip. Anna returns to the water’s edge, hesitates, then plunges the goblet into water once more. Instantly, a slimy white hand snags her wrist and Anna is pulled under. The goblet bobs on the surface.]
"Annnnna!" Screamed Lily.
"Nooooo!" Yelled James, Sirius, Remus, Barty and Evan.
[Utterly silent. Anna twists madly as hands reach for her, turning her this way and that. Hunted faces float by.]
[Anna breaks the surface, gasping for air, blinking, catching a glimpse of Dumbledore slumped against the basin as she is...]
Everyone watches worried.
[... pulled underwater once again, into the eerie silence of flailing arms. She shakes free again and again, but there are too many hands, too many haunted faces. We stay under a very long time, feel her lungs burning. Her eyes lose their focus, turning blank.]
"No, no, no!" Cried James. Everyone watched with tears in their eyes.
[Bubbles trail out of her mouth as her face goes slack. She sinks deeper, in free fall, takes one last look at the shimmering surface above, the last thing she will see... when a shadow shivers briefly and the surface sizzles with red light, like blood, then becomes transparent, revealing Dumbledore, wand pointed directly at the water.]
[Anna breaks the surface, spitting up water, gasping for air.]
Everyone lets out breath they didn't they were holding back.
"She is okay. She is okay." Repeated Lily, like she was trying to convice herself.
[Dumbledore staggers, slumps once more against the basin, weakened by his effort. Anna scrambles up, steadies him and the lake explodes with fire. Anna wheels, watches the bodies in the lake twist in pain.]
Dumbledore: Go... [Anna turns, confused. Dumbledore’s hand finds his face.]
Dumbledore: We have to... go. [Anna glances to the boat. Flames lick the prow, darkening the wood, but do not destroy it. She nods.]
[Anna and Dumbledore emerge from the cave. Dumbledore, pale and weak, scans the stars wearily, leans heavily on Anna.]
"They finally got out." Said Lily in relief.
Anna: Don’t worry, sir. We’re nearly there.
Dumbledore: I am not worried, Anna. I am with you.

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