The Daring, Forbidden and Evil - pt. 8

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Fred didn't like you. He did not, especially after that night and you knew that. You knew he was going to be a problem. You didn't mind it, you had a plan. He says that you're the evil one, so you'll be the evil one. Easy peasy.

You jumped over to George with a bright smile on your face as he was talking to Fred himself. He automatically wrapped his arm around you, smiled and kissed the top of your head. "Hey there gorgeous." he pulled you in and squeezed you tightly only with one arm.

You placed your hand on top of his chest and smiled up at him. Those eyes of his, you couldn't believe that they made you fall in love with him over and over again. You stared for a while, lost in them before realising what you meant to do. "Can I steal you from your brother- just for a moment?" you continued to look at him before looking at his brother.

"Sure." Fred forced a smile.

You led George away and up-stairs to your designated room. It was Sirius' and he didn't mind sleeping on the couch as you took one of the largest of the rooms.

George beamed at the sight. "Bloody hell! You've got all this space and you didn't share." he said, pulling you to him and letting his hands slide down to your lower back, squeezing your ass as he pulled you into a passionate kiss.

You giggled as he did so and as much as you would want to get comfortable with him, you actually brought him up here for a conversation.

A little snogging won't hurt though. - You thought before kissing him back, smiling as you did so. He started to back you away towards the bed until you felt the edge on your calves. He turned you around, pulled away only for a mere second before his arms wrapped themselves around your legs and pulled you onto his lap. He kissed you fiercely, breathing heavier and heavier as you felt something hard underneath you, making you moan just a little into his mouth. It was enough though, to make him throw back his head, murmuring. "Fuck." and you started to kissing his exposed neck at the opportunity.

Not even a second passed when you realised you were flipped on your back, his body hoovering above you and his usual kind eyes were now dark with lust. Your heartbeat increased but the lust that you felt as well, made you grab his shirt and pull him down into another rougher kiss. He smiled into it and bit your lower lip and rubbing himself between your legs so you let out a larger moan than before. It came out so naturally and so unexpectedly. You haven't got a clue where it come from or that you even made sounds like that but it gave you something that you knew only he could give you.

"George..." you smiled, pulling away as he continued. You continued to smile but you gently pushed him away.

He whined as he laid down on his back and rubbed his hands over his face. You let out a laugh and placed yourself on his chest.

He didn't say a single word, only admired you from his place. He moved up his hand, gently brushed it against your cheek and tucked away a strand that fell from your low ponytail. It only jumped back in front of your face and he only smiled wider. "I love you." he said admirably, holding his hand against your cheek as your eyes glistened a bit but smiled with all their might.

You kissed the palm of his hand and sat on top of him. "I love you too, George." you replied and he sat up, holding the both of you on his arms. You leaned forward and kissed him gently on the lips. He let out a hum and smiled with his eyes closed.

Love. It was love. Nobody could tell you otherwise and nobody could feel what you felt. Each time the two of you were at each other's presence, there was an absolute bliss and silence. There was comfort and lightness in the air. Neither of you had to say anything to communicate. It was all in the eyes and in the energy you felt towards each other.

You placed his hands on top of his chest and said quietly. "I told my aunt about us."

His eyebrows quirked up and he looked suspiciously at you. He sat more upright, letting his hands wrap themselves around your waist as you hadn't given him any other clue. "And?"

"And she was displeased, of course- so was Lucius and probably Draco as well." you sighed and smiled up at him, cupping his cheeks. "They said that we will talk about it when I come home in two days?"

"Two days?" he said, his grip tightening a bit. "You're not staying longer?"

"I wanted to rip the bandage off already. It was eating me alive."

"I think they'll eat you alive when you go over there." he said and you laughed.

"Non." you said in French, kissing him. "They can't hurt me." you replied, out of sight and out of mind not knowing how you'll eat these words later on.


The Malfoys weren't the expressing type. They were prideful and ignorant, but never did they let people know what they felt. You thought you had everything in control but as more you approached the manor, the more anxious you felt about entering.

You didn't even have to knock for the door to open right in front of you. It was your aunt, as cold as you had known her, only her stare was a lot more icy than she usually wears it.

Not a smile, nor a greeting only a "Follow me.". She turned around sharply and walked away from you.

You followed.

She disappeared around the corner into the living room and you felt your heart pounding in your chest. You weren't used to the feeling of not knowing, of not having the next step, the next second planned in your head. But you walked with your head held high, your smile just as icy as her's could be.

There was only her and Lucius. She sat on one of the green armchairs. Her legs were crossed, her arms resting on the arm rests and her dark green and silk dress intimidating you from sight.

"Sit." she said and you obeyed.

Lucius was standing up, in his usual black attire, only his tie was green and at this point, you thought perhaps his socks and his underwear are matching. He didn't look at you, he only stood by the fireplace and observed the snow through the window.

You mimicked her aunt's position, taunting her a bit and letting her know you are not as intimidated as she wants you to be.

"The Weasley's then." said Lucius. "Odd turn of events." he said as he finally chose to look at you and pour himself some Irish whiskey.

"He treats me right." you replied. "They all do."

"Do they trust you?" he said as he gently moved the glass in a line of a circle, causing the whiskey to spin on its place.

"Not all, most." you replied. "Perhaps you should have given me more time."

"The plan is laid out, my dear." said Narcissa as she stood up and poured herself one glass as well. "We follow it, slow and simple."

"I don't know what role do you expect me to play here." you narrowed your eyes.

"You will find out. Just play your part and you'll get what you want." your aunt continued, standing beside her husband and to your amazement, they looked magnificent together. Both tall and magnetic, their hair pure white, their attire elegantly deep and suited..

"If they believed we wouldn't call you home as soon as possible when you told us, they knew something would be wrong." your uncle-in-law continued and sat down in front of you. Your aunt sat beside him on the arm rest and both continued to stare at you intensely. "So, tell us everything."

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