Tender, Strong, Silly and Smart

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How his eyes would linger on you when you walked into the classroom with your hair let down and the front tucked behind your ears. Two purple marbles tucked into your earlobe and a small hoop on the helix of your left ear. You had never let a day go by without wearing those earrings and he knew that to you, they held a special place in your heart- from a special person and maybe one day, he could be that person too. How utterly in love he was and how utterly dumb he was to not show a single hint or any indication that his feelings for you were much bigger than stealing glances of you when nobody was watching. Sometimes they stayed on you, observing you. Your eyes would sparkle like the sun when you talked with your friends yet there was never a glimmer in your eyes when they had to focus on a blackboard, filled with notes and formulas, wand movements and other definitions you were not familiar with.

He had bravery... when his brother was around to encourage him. Though his brother had no clue of his little crush on you and he preferred it that way. Not because he didn't want Fred to know but because Fred had a tendency to be a bit brash when it came to George and his innocent little crushes. Thought you weren't that of an innocent of a crush- no. He could see a whole future with you. He could see you laughing with him by your side, he could hear the conversations the two of you would have in the future, Molly loving you, Arthur even more because you were just... so much to love.

And George had never thought of you much until this last year when Umbridge came to Hogwarts. He knew you were more of a rebel yet he was taken by surprise when you started talking back to her soon after a month of her tyranny.

You weren't much to stand out yet you weren't invisible either. You could catch attention but you could also become transparent. Now, months have passed and you were still the main prize in his eye. There was just something about you that made you so attractive; the way you walked into class, you stole his attention like you had been calling him on top of your lungs and the gentle smiles you send out to people, even when it's clear that something heavy is on your mind.

He walked behind you as you were leaving the class, not much interested in conversation. Early classes weren't your favorite but you still managed to click into conversation quite easily. Your friends were complaining about Umbridge and you didn't let that opportunity for mocking her slip by any cause.

In a girly, squeaky loud voice, you took your wand out of your pocket and started waving as you spoke. "The MInIstry Is quUIte strict about those ruuullleess, Mister Adequette. Detention!" you laughed and your friends followed, George behind you as well.

"Imagine if she heard you." one of your friends laughed. "Detention."

"She wishes she can give me detention. I told her that the Minister is my uncle and that if she dares to punish me any sort of way, he'll take her position." you rolled your eyes, walking beside them.

"And she believed you?!" they both widened their eyes.

"Of course not." you laughed. "She told me she'll do some digging but I told her that I'll tell my uncle she's been digging to get some dirt-"

"No, you didn't!"

"Yes, I did." you opened your eyes. "I'm not taking any shit from anybody. Not even that toad-like little whore and if she tries to punish me any sorts of way, I'll bring my daddy."

Your friends laughed to that, thinking you were joking about that but you were quite clear.

"Look. There is no possible way that people in her position would listen to a teenager but if a grownup comes, my strict arse of a father with his lion's voice, threatening them to sue them- then hey, maybe I win." you started walking triumphantly.

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