ONE: The Mages Come To Callocast

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The sky and ocean meet where the sun first casts its light, a rising red darting across the waves east of Callocast. There's a chill in the air--there always is this far north--and the wind is more restless than usual, tangling its icy fingers in Isri's jet-black curls. Kas watches their face, the way their eyebrows furrow--like they're peering into a world nobody else can see. Looking at Isri should be like looking in a red-tinted mirror--but it's been a long time since they could fool their parent by switching clothes and hiding their eyes. They've grown into different people. Different lines on the same face, different curls of the same mouth. And still, no matter what, the best of friends.

    "What are you looking at?" Kas asks softly, voice barely interrupting the stillness of the morning atop the roof of the shack. They come up here to watch the sun rise, to watch it set, whenever the winds align and set it so. It's a tradition.

    "Something's happening today," Isri says, tilting their chin up as they stare out at the sea. Just that. Something's happening. They don't say anything else.

    The silence stretches on, broken only by the tug of the wind, for only a few seconds longer.

    Then comes the sound of hoofbeats.

    Isri perks up, swiveling around to face the cliffs that surround the village. A cavalcade of horses and riders decked in colors far brighter than any resident of Callocast could ever hope to touch is descending the switchback down the cliffside, standards waving, robes flowing. It's been years since they were last here, but Kas, following Isri's gaze, recognizes them immediately.

    "They're back!" they shout, leaping into the tree they climb to get to the rooftop and dropping down to the ground through its branches. "They're back! Par, Par, the mages! They're back!"

    Tallis, their parent, comes out of the shack, blearily rubbing their eyes. "Don't you be playin' tricks on me at this hour..." they mumble, only to stiffen a little when they hear the riders approaching. "Oh...oh, Angel, it's them..."

    Within minutes, the whole village is outside, gathered around the main road to watch the procession enter town. Isri has put up their cloak, hiding their eyes. They cling tight to Kas's hand.

    "What's that for? Don't you want them to see you?" Kas asks, elbowing Isri playfully. "This is your chance! You know you're the one they're looking for!"

    "I don't want to go if they aren't taking you," Isri says sternly. "If they don't want you, I don't want them." They huff, climbing onto a rock to get a better view as the Mages file into town--Kas follows them, peering over their shoulder.

    The cavalcade is led by a stately figure in deep blue robes. The horses stop in the center of town, and they dismount first, pulling down their hood to reveal pale white skin and dark brown hair that doesn't quite fall to their shoulders--though, Kas remarks, it probably would if not for the odd little coiffe at the bottom. The figure climbs up onto the calling-block, looking around at the murmuring crowd. "Attention--attention please! I am High Mage Mirei. We return on the Red Child Inquiry."

    The crowd hushes as Mirei speaks, and Isri cautiously climbs down from their rock, Kas following them. They push to the front of the crowd, just barely peeking out to watch Mirei's speech.

    "Twelve years ago, as you may know, the Red Mage Ashira was tragically taken from us at the hands of a monster, may their soul rest gently. Only one Red Mage may exist in this world at a time, so since their death, the Order of Mages has been searching for the next. The Red Child." Mirei pauses, surveying the crowd. Looking for something. "It has been seven years since we last visited this village. In all our searches, the child has not been found. If, by any chance, any of you know a child with red eyes, please bring them forward. The position of Red Mage is a great honor. They will be cared for at the Magescourt in Tenacitas, and trained under the greatest of us. We will set up camp here for tonight, and in that time, I implore you, Red Child, come forward, and you shall be honored as the sun is honored by the sky." The speech lasts not a minute longer--Mirei steps down from the calling-block, and the other mages dismount from their horses. Whispers ripple through the crowd, and Kas jabs Isri again.

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