SIX: Green Is The Color Of Envy

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 "I think I might just explode. I've never eaten that much in my life," Kas says, giggling almost drunkenly as they and their friends stumble back up to their room. Isri is still overjoyed, and it's contagious. Kas must've told them how proud they are of them about fifty times. "I didn't know you could even eat duck."

"Didn't Fisher Mannecky catch a duck once?" Isri says, skipping up the stairs and doing a little twirl on the platform at the top. Their brilliant crimson robes catch the light, actual, real rubies stitched to their skirts. "They didn't eat it, though. Just caught it. Mirei says these used to be High Mage Ashira's robes, from when they were little. They were an Arch-Mage even younger than me!" They spin again, a scintillating cloud of red in unnaturally bright candlelight. "Oh, Kas, I'm so happy you're here with me. Someday you'll be the Green Arch-Mage, I know you will."

Kas giggles, reaching out to take Isri's hands. They spin around together, hand in hand, and Kas swears they can feel Isri's elation as if it's their own. "You looked amazing up there! Like a real Arch-Mage! I mean, I guess you are an Arch-Mage. I didn't even know that was what all the ones who aren't Mirei were called until I looked in the laundry chute!" They're talking way too much, just spilling out all their excitement, and they know Isri isn't even paying attention to what they're saying, but it doesn't matter. They're both happy. "I know you're going to do a great job. It's a really big deal! But you have all the other mages there to help you, right?"

Isri nods. "High Mage Mirei is going to train me themself," they say. "Because they knew the old Red Mage best." It must be hard, Kas realizes, for red mages to learn how to fully use their magic. Everyone else has a bunch of older mages to train them, but only one red mage can exist in the world at a time. They know, despite all of this, that Isri is going to do an amazing job.

"You're going to be so cool. You're already so cool." They run with Isri all the way back to their room, kicking off their boots and jumping up and down on their bed. It's surprisingly bouncy. "This is so exciting!"

Sorine follows with Mauragan, snorting at Kas and Isri's excitement. "All it is is a pretty color," they say, rolling their eyes. "You ain't that special."

"Hey! Be nice, Sorine!" Kas stops jumping, putting their hands on their hips and scowling at them. "You don't have to be mean just because you're jealous."

"I'm not jealous," Sorine says, in a tone that makes them sound like they're trying very hard to convince themself of that fact. "It's just a bunch of dumb ceremonial shit, is all. All you've ever done to make yourself special is be born with a red soul."

"Can you just drop it?" Kas jumps down off the bed, fully intending on just yelling at Sorine until they stop. "It's Isri's special night. You don't have to be such a...such a jerk about it!" They've never called anyone a jerk before in their life.

"Kas. It's fine," Isri says, patting them on the shoulder. "They're right, anyways. I really haven't done anything special yet." They give Sorine a patient smile, turning back to inspect the clothes that must have been left on their bed while they were at the banquet. Kas does their best to shake off their irritation with Sorine, peering over Isri's shoulder while they sort through the garments. Training robes, slightly fancier than Kas or Sorine or Mauragan have; comfortable travel clothes; what seems to be some sort of sleep shift, but far fluffier than anything Kas has seen in their life--all in varying shades of red. Isri's clothes are more vibrant, but Kas, Sorine, and Mauragan have been given much of the same.

"This looks way too hot!" Sorine complains, holding up their lilac sleep-shift. "I'm gonna die in this! I'm gonna boil to death and you'll find me in the morning drowned in my own Angel-damned sweat!" Without another word, they slip into the bath-chamber to try it on. Kas giggles a little--they're still a little upset with them for being so mean to Isri, but they sure are funny.

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