I'll Go (Kellic One-Shot)

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hi okay this is a day late (as always) but I wrote a kid fic in honor of Father's Day!!

not much in the way of warnings. some mentions of alcohol use and a bit of general angst/sad stuff in the backstory, but I promise you there isn't that much and the rest of it is mostly fluff

i got this particular idea from a Tumblr post that listed single parent AUs and one of them was this one: "you've been sleeping at mine because your house is being renovated and we aren't even dating, yet every time you wake up to the baby crying and sigh, 'i'll go' i feel like we might as well be married"

so this fic is basically that, plus a bonus of this one: "you crouched down to coo at my baby but i forgot to tell you their favorite thing to do is to play with people's hair and now they won't let go of you"

also quick note: this is a fluffy kid fic, not smut. please don't make some sort of "daddy kink" comment at any point (though the word "Daddy" is only used like once or twice) bc it makes me uncomfortable ok thx

so yeah that being said here you go!!

"Hey, Kells, I've got a big favor to ask of you."

Kellin automatically raises one eyebrow skeptically, even though Vic won't be able to see it over the phone. "And what would that be?"

Vic takes a deep breath before answering all in a rush: "So my house is being renovated, right, starting next week, and obviously it's gonna be a really big project, and they said that if I'm lucky it'll only take, like, a month, but it's more realistic to think that it could be anywhere from two to six months, and I don't really have anywhere else to go during that time and you're my friend and I know you've got your kid and everything to deal with, but could I possibly maybe stay with you while the renovation's going on? You don't have to answer right now, you can think about it for a couple days, but...yeah."

Kellin hesitates, running the circumstances over in his head. On the one hand, he's got a baby to deal with. On the other, well, he's got a baby to deal with. So, yes, it might be inconvenient to have Vic staying with him, but if Vic has any experience with parenting (and even if he doesn't), then it might also be helpful.

"If you really don't have anywhere else to go," he says slowly, though deep down he knows he's going to say "yes."

"Yeah, you're pretty much my only option," Vic replies. "With anyone else, they either live super far away or it'd just be really inconvenient. I mean, it'd be really inconvenient anyway no matter who I stay with, but I was hoping I'd be able to find someone so I didn't have to pay for a rental or a hotel or something—"

"No, I totally understand," Kellin interrupts. "Don't worry, dude, you can stay. But I hope you know that now you're going to be Tyson's temporary second dad. Congratulations."

"Holy shit, thank you," Vic says. "Wait, what?"

That's how Vic Fuentes comes to be living with Kellin—temporarily, obviously. Kellin's place is nice but kind of small, an apartment with only two bedrooms: Kellin's and the nursery for his eight-month-old son, Tyson. There's a decent-sized living room, a dining room area sort of connected to it, and a kitchen right behind the dining room, with the bathroom down the hall with the bedrooms. Kellin tells Vic that he can sleep wherever—on the couch, on the floor somewhere, in the bathtub; he really doesn't care.

He has to admit, having another human being in his company (one his own age, at least) kind of excites him in a weird way. He has friends, of course, but he knows he hasn't been the best at keeping in contact with people these past few months, putting everything he has into taking care of his son. Really, the only person he actively talks to other than Vic is Tyson's babysitter, Lynn, who has been encouraging him to branch out a bit more. He's not quite sure yet, though.

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