1945- Siberian HYDRA Facility

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"Come on, Snowy! If we get up there, we can escape!" Sunny yelled, charging up the stairs in front of the Winter Soldier.

"We're not going to make it," Snowy grumbled, knocking a soldier down the Tower. They'd always called it the Tower.

Sunny knocked a woman unconcious and let her fall, "Be optimistic."

"You be optimistic, I'll be realistic," he said, gruffly.

Sunny ignored him and raced ahead to the top, pressing the code to make the roof swing open. She heard him grunting behind her as the Tower rumbled and began to open.

"Sunny!" He yelled.

Sunny felt the cold air drift into the Tower as she spun around to find Snowy. He was holding onto a pole for dear life, dangling above the floor, ten stories below. Two soldiers were advancing on him, one with a gun in his hand. She looked up at the night sky for a moment, then ran down to Snowy, leaping into action. One man was tumbling down the metal stairs and the other was making a quick trip to the ground in less than thirty seconds.

She looked at Snowy and kneeled at the edge of the grille. She could hear the sound of more boots pounding up the stairs, but chose to ignore it. "Snowy! Grab my hand!" She looked around and wrapped her leg around a pole, reaching out for Snowy.

Snowy grabbed her hand with his metal one, hanging on to her now. Every fiber in her arm begged to tear. Snowy stared down at the ground, and she talked to him as the sound of footsteps came closer. "Hey, Snowy. Look at me." The man didn't respond. "Look at me!" This time he obeyed, his blue eyes finding hers.

"Snowy, I'm not going to let you go. Just keep looking at me," she looked at his raw fear and bit back the urge to look up at the freedom that was passing her by. Her hands were aching.

"You should go. Before they get here. You have a chance," Snowy said, his eyes leaving her's to peer up at the sky.

Sunny smiled, her arm straining, "I won't leave you. I'll be here until the end of the world if I have to, Snowy."

Someone ripped Snowy's hands from her's and lifted him up. His face faded to black, and Sunny felt the metal grille meeting the back of her head.

III: The Girl Who Ran: Dirty Hands and Dark HeartsWhere stories live. Discover now