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I spent a few minutes on the phone with Jake asking him to meet at my apartment where Harry still stayed.

"I'll just be in the other room." He told me as he pressed one hand onto my shoulder, the warmth from him spreading over my arm and right to my heart.

I will never understand why girls will stay with someone even when they know they shouldn't. He threw my damn laptop across the room. He punched Harry. I'm sure he'd punch me if I let this go on any longer, so please tell me....why is this so hard?

The air was sucked out of the room as soon as I heard the few knocks on the door. Harry nodded to me and got up to answer it. He pulled the chain back and unlocked the door, he opened it slowly so Jake could see him first.

"What the..." I could hear him begin to say. Then I heard Harry mumbling softly, but sternly. I had no idea what he was saying, but I think I had an idea.

I sat down on the couch and waited patiently while Harry finished with Jake at the door. He motioned for him to come in, I could see him in full view now. HIs eyes were sunken, his skin was pale. He looked like he hadn't slept or eaten in days.

Stop it, Jamie. Remember why you're doing this.

"" He began, Harry cut him off.

"You don't get to do that." He said grabbing him by the arm, he practically threw him onto the couch. I wasn't sure Harry could look as pissed off as he did right now. I'd never seen him so stern or so mean with anyone, never even heard a mean word come out of his mouth before and here he was throwing my soon to be ex boyfriend on my couch for me to dump him.

I sat down across from Jake. Harry stood tall, arms crossed over him. I looked up and gave him a nod to let him know I would know where he is if I needed him. He turned and padded down my small hallway. I was sure he would hear most if not all of the conversation that was about to happen in this tiny apartment.

"Is he staying here?" Jake asked.

"That's not what I invited you over to talk about." I coughed, sitting up straight. Keeping my bearings the best that I could.

"Oh, so you didn't call me over to show off your new boyband boyfriend?" He snapped.

I rolled my eyes.

"I'm breaking up with you." I said sternly.

"I kind of figured." He said smugly.

"Jake, this is it. We're done. I mean it this time."

"Oh whatever, Jamie. Once Harry over there finds another Victoria's Secret model to bone, he'll forget about you like that." He snapped his fingers and stood over me.

I'd be lying if what he said hadn't crossed my mind. I look back at all the girls who Harry has dated. Models. Pop stars. Etc.

"I'm not with Harry, Jake. He's just a friend." I said, words stinging like knives in the back of my throat. I didn't want to be just friends with Harry. But I didn't even know what I was doing right now or who I was. My whole life got flipped upside down in the last month and here I am breaking up with my long term boyfriend while Harry Styles is standing close by. When did I get to this place that was so confusing.

I felt a hand jerk on my arm and I got to my knees, Jake holding me by my bicep making me look straight at him. I guess I may have made some sort of noise between sitting on the couch and getting dragged up because next thing I know, Harry was making his way down the hall.

"You ready for another black eye, buddy?" Jake asked him.

He didn't say anything, he simply grabbed Jake's hand and pulled it off of me.

DEAR HARRY, | H.S.Where stories live. Discover now