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Nico was a bundle of nerves. Will made a plan to go to Washington DC with Nico. Nico wanted to go with Will, but he hated planes. He hated heights, planes, anything to do with flying. But there they were, and Will parked his gun-metal grey Nissan GTR next to an ugly Ford. 

"Alright, love, we're here!" Will exclaimed, grabbing the baggage from the trunk. Nico groaned as he walked out of the car. First of all: planes. Second of all: it was 5am in the fucking morning.

Nico grabbed his backpack, shoving his phone in his pocket. They made their way through the airport, and Nico saw a group of about 10 pilots walking next to each other, cracking jokes. 

They got their bags checked, and the 2 just walked off to where the seats were. They waited for about 50 minutes, until they could board. Will got a window seat and Nico got an aisle seat. The plane was small, only having window seats and aisle seats. Nico put his backpack under the seat Infront of him and grabbed his phone. He gripped the armrests. 

After about 45 minutes of freaking out, Will managed to get Nico asleep.

(Nico's POV) He was back in that plane, the same plane he was in when he was 6 with his mother. They had already moved out of Italy 2 years ago, but they were there for vacation. That is when disaster struck.

There was turbulence, and the captain announced it, telling everybody to remain seated. But then Nico felt the plane dive down, and that was the moment he heard the pilot say something that would ruin his life.


5 minutes later, Nico's vision went black, his whole-body aching. He had let go of his mother's arm when they hit the ground. He remembered waking up, being carried by a police officer, who was talking to another officer, stating Nico was the only survivor.

Then he woke up with a gasp, tears on his cheeks. He was crying, and it seemed it was already night as he looked out the window. Will glanced at him with concern.

"Love, are you all right?" Will asked, putting his hand on Nico's cheek.

'I'm f-fine" Nico said, turning to look at the tray.

"You're hyperventilating." Will slowly realized that Nico was having a panic attack. He lifted the arm rest and pulled Nico into a hug. Nico's head was in the crook of Will's neck. 

Nico saw a few people glance at him, and it made the attack worse. Will slowly calmed Nico down.

4 more hours, and they were there. Nico quickly got off the plane. "I don't wanna do that again" 

Will smirked, "Love, we still have to fly back to CHB."

Nico groaned and walked over to a Starbucks.

460 words This was so rushed- i had this idea in the shower and I didn't know how to end it lol.


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