🥀Episode -14🥀

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Episode -14🥀

Paris trip -1

Author pov
Suga, y/n And Jiyoo Just landed in Paris after a long fight and there State went to the hotel which There booked before coming here because all of them was really really tired and there's Just want a good sleep and good rest

Suga-"y/n you hold Jiyoo she see she slept in my arms only so I can hold luggage"

Y/n-"okay suga give Jiyoo to me "

Suga-"yess Y/n and follow me i will go first And get the room keys And finish the hotel formalities ok "

Y/n-"ok suga"
*Then suga went inside the hotel with the luggage and y/n followed him with Jiyoo in her arms*

Time skip

Y/n-"so I think you should sleep too now"
*Y/n was calling Suga so he can Come and sleep because from when there came inside the hotel room he started working so Y/n saw how much stressed he was so she was really worried about him because he is tired From all the travelling and now doing all the work so she was really worried about him*

Suga -"yess Y/n i Will Just little More work Left let me complete it because it's related to the Tommorow's presentation so I have to complete it y/n you go to sleep i will sleep soon too "

Y/n-"okay suga good night sleep fast because you're very tired from all the travel so don't stress yourself And don't over work ok "

Suga-"okay Y/n i Will good night sweet dreams"

Y/n-"okay suga "

Few moments later

*After completing the work suga got freshen up And then saw it's already really Late and then he came across the bed and saw both the girls was sleeping peacefully And smiled at both of them being so cute Just by doing nothing But sleeping and came inside the blanket And lay down while facing the 2 girl's*

Suga-"good night y/n and good night My little naughty angel 😘😘😘"
*Saying good night And admiring them both he don't know when he fall asleep*

Next morning

Y/n-"Best of luck suga and yess you will get the deal"
*Suga waken up early And got freshen up and got ready and Y/n wake up too after him and then seeing him going she immediately freshen up and got all ready too and then she prepared his breakfast and suga had the breakfast and was ready to go to met the client*

Suga-"thank you Y/n "

Y/n-"yess and don't worry about Jiyoo i will take care of her so be worry Free ok "

Suga-"yess hope she don't trouble you Much being alone with you because here mommy and papa is not here so I am Just worried will you Alone be able to take care of her Alone because you know she is really naughty baby so "

Y/n-"yess yess I know she is really really naughty girl but I hope she don't trouble me much so don't worry i will take care of her okay "

Suga-"okay Y/n thank you very much so take care and eat breakfast soon too okay And I will be going now if she wake up that's all and if you want anything Just call the room services okay take care Y/n bye "

Y/n-"okay suga you too Take care see you And best of luck again "

Suga-"thanks Y/n bye see you "

Y/n-"yess see you bye "

Few moments later

Jiyoo-"y/n where is dad 🥺🥺🥺"

y/n-"aygoooo my Baby dad went to meeting the client he said he will Come soon so come now eat the breakfast please My good Baby "

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