🥀Episode -19🥀(part-1)

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Episode -19-1🥀

2 month's later 

Author pov

It's been 2 month's since y/n returned back to Korea from India after all that newyork trip and incident And all it's been 2 month's already like time and day's have fly away very fast and now Suga, y/n And Jiyoo live together has a family like a complete family and all was very happy that Jiyoo finally accepted y/n has her Mom and in her Life she has both mom And dad in her life who showers her with lot's of Love and was a very happy family and About y/n And suga reletionship there was some improvement too like there were close to each other too but Just like Freinds like Bestie Like close freinds no awkwardness or formalities But being each other Freinds Like there know each other from Long Time like Old high school bestie there both become Like that only But Still both don't confess there love or don't Talk about Love tropic there are Just Happy with there current reletionship like being Freinds altest There are not any trouble in between them so there both are Just going with a flow and don't want to rush there relationship and was Still getting to know each More being each other close Bestie

Jiyoo-"mummyyyyyy mummyyyyyy here you're I'm finding you in whole house"
*Y/n was seating in the living room And watching her fav kdrama and thinking about her Life how's it's Going with a flow because Altest suga is not More cold hearted behaviour he has become soft hearted with a Friendly behaviour Maybe he was like this before also but Just he don't open up Very well with strangers and other then his close Freinds and family he has 2 different personality where he is strict with his office employees But sweet too and in the family and with his Freinds he is totally different he is the cutest and sweetest and in that he included y/n also and he was really really the caring and sweetest person to her which was making her fall in love with him even More than she already was But she was stopping herself From falling more so she can control her feelings and don't confess and ruin there special freindship bond There had made and on the other hand Suga was thinking the same he was also stared falling in love with y/n without him knowing himself And he also afaird not to ruin there special freindship bound There has fond and like that both Just kept there feelings inside there heart only because there don't want to lose there special bond between them*

Y/n-"ohhh why Baby I'm here i was watching some kdrama's baby yess come to Mummy and tell me what happened sweetheart "
*Y/n gave her now full attention to her little baby who came and seat in her lap and y/n was playing with her hairs*

Jiyoo-"Mommy actually I was searching for you because papa was searching for you he Said he has some thing important to talk to you so he said if I find you i should send you to bedroom so Mommy go papa must be waiting "

Y/n-"ohhhh Suga waiting for me what's so important let's go and find out "
*Y/n was confused of what's going on and talked to herself*

Y/n-"okay baby i will go and see what's you're dad wanna talked to me but would you like to come "

Jiyoo-"no mommy you only go i will watch my fav cartoon and have my TV time okay mommy bye take care enjoy time with papa saranghaeooooo mommmyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 😘😘😘😘"

Y/n-"ohhhh soo sweet ok baby you also enjoy you're TV time okay and take care Baby see you na du saranghaeooooo 😘😘😘"
*Jiyoo kissed y/n both cheeks and Y/n peck Jiyoo her chubby cheeks and both chuckled and y/n Left from there smiling to meet Suga and what's it so important he wanted to Talk that he was finding for her y/n was really curious and left towards there bedroom*

In bedroom

Author pov
y/n came towards the bedroom but find a note on the door making her stop From going inside she takes the note and read it out

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