PERSONALITY:depends on the brain she ate. though off brain she's consumed by guilt of her past and depressed about being undead
BIRTHDAY:June 25th
SEXUAL HISTORY: body count 1
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LIKES:green, faerie boats,sweaters
DISLIKES: dogs, her past, being a zombie, not being able to eat chocolate anymore
ROMANTIC INTEREST: Blane Debeers/your OC
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BACKSTORY: Verena was the normal party girl Fresh from high-school and ready to have fun throughout her last summer before she was forced to go to a collage her parents selected for her One summer night she went to a party with her boyfriend having had a few drinks She was ready to lose her virginity to him Her boyfriend having taken utopium She had no way to know what would happen to her The next morning when she was home she felt horrible and went downstairs Her sister had been staying the night at a friend's house and her parents were cooking breakfast She ate though couldn't taste anything or seem to satisfy her hunger until her mother cut her finger when slicing strawberries and Verena went full on zombie mode on both her parents After she ate part of their brain and got her hunger resolved she panicked calling her boyfriend who came over He panicked too and told her she needed to turn herself in They fought with each other Verena having grabbed a knife to kill him too though finding out he was the same as whatever she was, both battled through the house before her sister was coming into the driveway Verena heard her coming and bashed her boyfriends head in only to collect herself in time for her sister to see the scene and scream She told the police that her boyfriend came over still high and raged from the drugs he took last night and went after her Her parents tried to stop him and he killed them then went back after her Her sister went to foster care and she got a apartment in Seattle trying to substitute off animal brains
ABILITIES: can take physical damage such as gunshot or knife wound,low heart rate, visions of the victims they ate, personality traits of the victims they ate, super strength and speed when raged, infectious scratch and sexual activity,no taste, eyes can appear red