introduction: the beginning

158 6 2

created : january 2nd 2024
ps. songs from the movie are always an option!

you slowly begin to wake up

"where am i.." you said as your head began to hurt

am i trapped in a... bottle?
"what am i doing here?!" you wondered.

you began to observe your surroundings and saw that u were in some sort of luxury place?
you began to hear people in a panic you pretended to still be passed out.

"these things are kinda cute dont you think?"
a male voice spoke

"finally! with these trolls we can begin a new era! the music here has always been.. mmh, boring. we can make it better though."
a feminine voice hummed

"ouu! put that one with the girl, maybe they can be little friends you know?"
the male smirked

"let me go please!"
a familiar voice begged as the sound of banging on glass was heard.
then you felt someone fall ontop of you.

you yelped because they had landed on your stomach.

"oh- oh! im so sorry let m-"
you both paused.


the both of you just sat there in shock.
you havent seen floyd in years ever since the band broke up.
you were close with the band, particularly floyd
and you gotta admit you used to like him, well you think you used to like him but in reality you still do.

"y/n ! i missed you so much. you dont understand. ever since the band broke up.."

you just sat there, remebering everything.

"but.. uh.. do you know where we are by chance?"
he asked at staring into your e/c eyes.

"im sorry floyd, i just woke up here. i have no clue."
you said staring back

he didnt even realize he was staring.
he was just so amazed by your beauty he got lost in thought.

"floyd.. uh.."
you spoke breaking the scilence

"huh? oh- uh- sorry.."
he said flustered after realizing he was staring a little.

"i cant believe we are trapped in a diamond perfume bottle prison."
you sarcastically say as floyd agrees but velvet and veneer walk into the room

velvet yells
"yeah crimp! stop being so useless."
veneer added

"oh uh- okay yeah sure!"
crimp says walking to the blender

"hey.. i have an idea!.."
velvet says smirking
"crimp! you should make a smoothie vaccum shirt! it will be so much easier."

veneer says confused

"no way.."
you said overhearing their conversation

floyd asks confused

"they- uh.. are using the "smoothie vaccum shirt" for US at the show! they are gonna put us inside the wholes and suck the talent out of us!"
you said with a concerned look on your face
as floyd goes wide eyed

"what.. but.."
floyd mutters
"y/n.. i dont know if you know this, but this can KILL us. if they suck all of our talent we will die!"

you accidentally yell

"veneer go tell those troll things to be quiet im doing my yoga!"
velvet yells from another room

veneer walks over and picks up the diamond cage

"you know.. you guys are pretty cute!"
he smiles and taps on the diamond like a kid at petsmart looking at the fish

"can u let us sneak by you please!"
you begged
"i dont wanna die!"

veneer looks at you a little upset

"you know.. im only doing this for my sister. she was the one who stole u guys. she said that she learned that ur guys talent would help us have a great singing career and that it would make us famous. i never wanted to use you guys or hurt you. im not that type of person. but my sister said that if i truly was her brother that i would do it.. i reluctantly gave in."

you and floyd give eachother a shocked glance
as veneer just sat the diamond cage back on the huge bright vanity and walked away.



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