ch 1

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you are awaken by the diamond bottle being shaken by veneer.

"wake up u little trolls!"
veneer smiled
"velvet told me to feel you guys so what would u like? i mean afterall, i dont wanna starve u guys to death."

"we appreciate it veneer but-"
floyd was about to say that you guys werent hungry but you stopped him

you whispered
"we might be able to escape while hes feeding us. just say yes!"

"oh!- uh- actually yeah we would like something to eat. thank you"
floyd replied

"okay would u guys like some strawberrys or like bread? i dont really know what you things eat."
he said confused

"strawberrys are fine."
you say hoping that your guys plan will work

veneer walks off to get some small cut up strawberrys but forgot to secure the diamond lid. with some force and some pushing on the lid the diamond cage opened! was this the end? are we going to make it?? you thought
you and floyd push over the diamonds as crimp just sat there and watched.

but veneer had just walked back in as the diamond bottle had fallen off the vanity.

"what- what are u guys doing?!"
veneer says in sheer panic

"ah! runn!"
you say as u hurry for the door with floyd

you guys were so close to escaping, but floyd gets captured again.

"y/n just run go without me and find my brothers! and tell them everything please just go!"
floyd says telling you to go but you dont

"let him go veneer!"
you say sticking up to veneer

"what? am i really getting threatened by a troll?"
veneer says laughing

"veneer please, you dont have to do this."
floyd begged

veneer paused
"no, i have to do this for my sister."
he said grabbing you and floyd and throwing you back into the diamond cage.

"no.. we were so close."
you said defeated

"its okay, we will get out someday."
floyd says hugging you
"im sure branch, jd, clay and spruce will find us soon."

"yeah.. but we were so close."
you frowned

"you guys will never ever get a chance like this again."
veneer said leaving the room to find his sister



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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