Chapter One

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I want to add that English is not my primary language, but I do read all my books in English. There might be some mistakes in this book. I've written fanfics in my own language, but never in English. Honestly, bear with me while I do this. I'm also the worst at writing when I don't feel like it, so this book might take years. 


Vesper woke up on the day of the Endless Sleep with a bundle of nerves in her stomach. She was normally never scared or nervous for pretty much anything. But this was the Test that would determine the rest of her life. This was the day she would either be chosen by a dragon during her Test, or she would not and live the rest of her life as Common without any power or Dragon. The Endless Sleep was one of the things that was not common knowledge to anybody but the people and Dragons that oversaw them. They would not let anybody know what would happen during the Test. Vesper had tried on multiple occasions to get some information from her mentor Thorne, who had done the Test a few years prior to her. As her mentor, he'd tried to guide her trough the basics and knowledge about the Endless Sleep. Nobody really knew what would happen during the test, since they were all unique for every person that would take it. Thorne had been Chosen by his Dragon Aurelius, a magnificent Amethyst dragon with a Purple hue. Thorne had always been drawn to making Enchanted Objects, that was one of the things that Aurelius had sensed in him, choosing him as his Rider as soon as Thorne had woken up. Now Thorne had the power to make Enchantments and create Runes, even when he was flying on Aurelius' back. He had made Vesper an enchanted arrow that would always hit it's mark, as long as Vesper would have a clear shot and a person in mind. She hadn't used the Arrow, since it was a one time only enchantment, making it useless as soon as it would hit it's chosen mark. Thorne had helped her with her training, making her almost lethal with her bow and arrow. This was one of the things the dragons would look for, Thorne always said. They would not be interested in defenseless little lambs. So Vesper had trained and trained, until she was in fact, lethal.

Vesper made her way towards the Arena, where every single person that had turned twenty two in the last year would have their Test today. No dragons would be physically at the Arena since they would all to be too large to fit in anyway, and probably give a few people a heart attack as soon as they would so much as breathe in their direction. Dragons were not a common site in the village. Only dragons with their rider would be seen every now and then, on their way to their destination. It was common knowledge to not get too close to any dragon with a rider. They would always defend their rider whenever they would feel the need to do so. It had cost a few people their lives, being either scorched by the dragons' breath or by any of their magical abilities, killing them in an instant. Not only their riders would get them, but the dragons would only be able to use their abilities and powers when their rider wasn't close by. It was even a worse idea to come close to a dragon without a Rider, since dragons would not answer to anyone, they would do as they liked. Vesper had only ever been close to one dragon in her life, when she had been young and careless, wandering way too close to the dragon. It's gorgeous dark purple color had spoken to her, the gemstones on it's wings shining. It had worked like a beacon to her. It had almost cost her her life, when the drain had opened its mouth to make a pile of ash of her. For some reason, the dragon had looked down and had met Vespers' eyes. After that, it had closed its mouth and flown off. Vesper didn't know how she had survived that meeting. After that, she had never come close to any dragon again, not testing her luck again.

She thought about the Test that would choose the destiny for the rest of her life, not sure about what she would face today, when a familiar voice called her name. 'Vesper!' a female voice called. She looked up, searching for the face going with that voice. Lyria's face came into few only a second later. Lyria and Vesper had studied together before Lydia had taken her Test and had been Chosen by Celestia. Nobody really knew what the power of Lydia's dragon was, since some powers had been kept a secret by both the dragons and the humans reigning their piece of land. Some dragons had their own reason to keep both their power, but also the power they would give to their rider a secret. Lyria was one of them. 'You have your test today?' Lyria asked when she had caught up to Vesper. Vesper nodded, looking at the ginormous arena now looming in the distance. 'You'll do fine, there is no reason for any dragon not to choose you' Lydia said. 'I don't know. I've only trained with Thorne and I have no idea what is waiting for me today' Vesper said, moving through the mass of bodies making their way to the arena. Every test would be taken privately, but it didn't keep friends and family from coming to the Arena to wait for their loved ones. 'There are twenty six people taking a test today, I heard that only fifteen dragons are willing to bond' Vesper added. Every year the Dragons would make known if they would be willing to bond. They were not obligated to bond with any rider, but they would at least make it known if they would be willing to. The first time they would meet their possible riders would be during the Test, also the moment they would possibly choose a rider. 'Believe me, you'll be fine' Lyria said, a twinkle in her lavender eyes, curtesy to her lavender colored dragon. 'I hope so' Vesper said, walking up to the massive steps taking her into the arena. 'Believe me' Lyria said. 'I'll see you soon, I'll have to find my brother' she said. Vesper waved to her. She would take the test alone. Her parents lived in another part of the kingdom. It was curtesy for the grown up children to leave their parents house as soon as they would turn twenty. Forcing them to find a place in another village. Vesper had a feeling it had to do with them being more in the open, being seen by some dragons, showing their power on their way to find a new place to live. Vesper had done exactly that. She had seen some dragons far away, flying over, but that had been it. Some siblings, like Lyria and her brother had chosen to live close together. There was no law agains that. The square before the Arena was filling up with families and peers ready for their Test. Vesper saw some familiar faces and she waved to a few she recognized. The sun was scorching hot again, so she tied up her raven black hair into a long ponytail. She had chosen easy riding gear today. The sort of fashion favored by most of the people in their village. She would not ride now, maybe never, but the gear made it easy to move and fight if necessary.

The massive clock next to the arena struck noon when the doors to the Arena opened and their head of town stepped out. Miriam wore long flowing red robes, making her blonde curls pop out even more. Her silver eyes were visible even from afar. Her dragon was nowhere in sight, but Vesper knew it had to be close. The only thing know about Miriams power known was that she was able to create the towns protective border. Nobody knew exactly what it was or what it did. 'Welcome, possible future riders' Miriam said from the opening of the Arena. She didn't have to shout to be heard, every single person standing in the square stopped talking as soon as the doors had opened. 'You will enter the Arena with your families, where they will wait in the waiting area. You will enter the Arena one by one, where you will be getting some information about the Test you are about to take. Have Faith, Be Strong' she said. Everybody in the square echoed her last words, the mantra of the Test. Miriam turned and walked into the Arena, every person who would be taking the test following her in. Vesper did so aswel. 'Don't look so troubled' said a voice from behind her. 'You already look angry most of the day, don't look like it now.' Vesper turned her head to see Aiden standing behind her. 'You know I always look angry when I see your smug face' Vesper shot back. She and Aiden did not have a good relationship at all. Where Vesper was dark and grim, he was bouncy and full of light, annoying Vesper with him just being in the same room as her. She was not in the mood to be annoyed by him, so she just turned away and walked into the Arena. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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