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Sisters Courtney and Megan couldn't catch a break

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Sisters Courtney and Megan couldn't catch a break. Their mother just couldn't stay clean and sober. Her love for drugs and alcohol was unfortunately greater than her love for her daughters. As for their fathers, well, it was unclear who sixteen year old Courtney's father was in the first place. And as for seventeen year old Megan, her father just couldn't seem to stay consistent in her life. He was the typical deadbeat father that made promises that he never failed to break every time....

Due to all of this, both girls have dealt with depression throughout their lives. Even Courtney had been dealing with suicidal thoughts. But no one knew that. Not even Megan. Which is odd because the two sisters have always been very close. Courtney just didn't feel like sharing her secret thoughts of unaliving herself.

Megan on the other hand dealt with her depression by sneaking into her mother's alcohol every now and then. One day her mother found out about it. Megan thought she would be in trouble for sure. But instead of a lecture or a beating, her mother simply said, "If you want some of my shit just ask! I was around your age when I started drinking anyway. It's not a big deal."

So, Megan began drinking... A LOT! She had an after school job so she started buying her own drinks. The liquor stores in the hood don't check IDs. Megan looks grown so they assumed she was an adult and sold her liquor!

One day, Megan showed up to school drunk. She was sent to Principal Angela Bassett's office...

"Girl, I can't believe this! Not MY Megan who usually  gets good grades and has perfect attendance! What's going on here?!", she asked in a disappointed manner.

Megan began to tear up. "I just....need it to relax and take my mind of what my momma keeps doing."

"What is she doing, Megan?", Principal Bassett asked with a concerned look on her face.

"I can't say....", Megan mumbled.

"Megan....either way, I'm going to have to call your mother. She needs to come up here so I can discuss this issue with her", Principal Bassett replied.

"She won't be available....She's probably still sleep around this time. Plus she spent the night at her boyfriend's house. She stays over there a lot now", Megan replied.

"Where does she work, Megan?", Principal Bassett asked.

"Nowhere right now because she got fired from her last job. But she said she will start looking for another one next week. That's why I got a job so I can have food for me and Courtney and help pay rent. So we won't get evicted again", Megan explained.

"Megan....this doesn't sound good. I may have to call CPS..."

And that's exactly what Principal Bassett did. After CPS found out Megan's mother was a drug addict, an alcoholic and also had been arrested in the past for stealing, they had no other choice but to remove the girls from their chaotic home. Their grandmother used to help raise them because she knew her daughter had a problem. But after she died, Courtney and Megan had no one but their mother. And clearly they really didn't have her!

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