"Two Signs" ✌🏽

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Taraji arrived home on a Friday afternoon from work. She was exhausted from her therapy sessions, but that didn't stop her from having a "sex chat" with her house daughters. The girls wished it did though!

"Can I be excused?! My tummy hurts....", Reneé whined while giving Taraji a pout and puppy dog eyes.

"Mine too!", Kelly exclaimed.

"Are you pregnant by Riri, Kellz?!", Beyoncé said. Causing everyone else to laugh.

"I am NOT the father!", Rihanna exclaimed.

"Ok y'all, stop playing! We want to talk to y'all because everybody's hormones have been on ten lately in this house", Fantasia stated.

"Does that include you and Momma Taraji's hormones too?!", Onika asked.

"Listen....I'm not about to play with you today, little girl", Fantasia replied while trying to hide her convicted smile!

"Are me and Mani in trouble because of last night?", Megan asked.

Taraji replied by saying, "No, but I need everybody to understand this. Your house mothers are aware that this is a house full of pretty girls who just so happen to be lesbian or bisexual.You're all sixteen, seventeen and eighteen so of course you're having sexual desires. Some of you are already sexually active and some of you are not. Some of you are curious which we found out last night...."

Taraji looked at Megan and Normani....They blushed with embarrassment.

"Well me, Michelle and Onika try not to be too loud", Beyoncé said with a shrug of her shoulders.

"We thought we were being quiet actually. Y'all heard us every time we did it?!", Michelle asked.

"Girl, no!", Fantasia exclaimed.

"Y'all just told on yourselves basically. But listen....we just want y'all to be respectful in the house. I'm not clueless, I know y'all are going to have sex. But again, be respectful and be careful! Having sex is not only physical but it's also emotional and spiritual. So don't play with anybody's heart", Taraji said.

"Well....I'm still a virgin. But I wouldn't play with Normani's heart. She's too sweet", Megan said.

"I'm sure you wouldn't, Meg. But you still have to be careful with someone who has experienced sexual trauma before. Sometimes they may feel like they want to and then another time they may feel like they don't want to be touched at all. You have to be mature and patient enough to deal with that", Taraji explained.

"Rihanna you better not break Kelly's heart!", Onika exclaimed.

"I'm not! And we didn't even do anything last night if that's what y'all think. We kissed and stuff but that's it", Rihanna said.

"I left the room to give y'all privacy and y'all only kissed?!", Courtney exclaimed.

"Look, I wasn't ready yet", Kelly said.

"And that's ok! This is why we wanted to talk to everybody. We need y'all to understand that waiting is ok. And it's important to be patient with your partner until they're ready", Fantasia said.

"How do you know when you're ready?", Courtney asked.

"When you're in love....right?", Reneé asked the house mothers for confirmation.

"I would say that is one way to know that you're ready. But even when someone is in love they still might want to wait due to other situations. Some people might want to wait until marriage", Taraji answered.

"Kelly, please don't tell me you want to wait until marriage!", Rihanna whined.

"No....I just want to wait until I'm in a relationship", Kelly said.

"Is that all?! I mean because if you want to be my girlfriend I don't have a problem with that", Rihanna said.

"Yeah, because I just can't have my first time being a random hook up thing", Kelly stated.

"Can I ask a question?", Normani asked.

"Of course you can", Fantasia replied.

"So....people like me that have been violated before....how can we relax and not get scared when we're trying to be with someone? Like, how do we stop the flashbacks and stuff like that?", Normani asked.

"Normani, situations like that take time and a lot of healing. Your partner has to kind of help you through it and take the time to make you comfortable as possible. But most importantly you have to be patient with yourself, Normani. Give yourself time to heal and don't try to rush it", Taraji advised.

The ladies chatted more with the girls on the sex topic and then wrapped it up.

"Ok, y'all! Exciting news.....we're taking a rode trip for the weekend!" Fantasia exclaimed.

The girls cheered with excitement.

"Yes! We're going to Dallas just to get away. We're going to the apple orchard out there , we're going shopping, out to eat, sight seeing, and we're going to be staying in a big, five bedroom cabin", Taraji said with a smile.

"Yup! We plan on leaving early in the morning so pack your things tonight, young ladies. We're up and out of here by five a.m.", Fantasia stated.

The girls were ecstatic! Especially about the five bedroom cabin....They all ran down to the recreational room to discuss it.

"Y'all, we get to do it in a cabin!", Beyoncé said to her girlfriends as they played miniature golf.

"I can't wait!!!! A time is about to be had!", Michelle exclaimed with a wide smile.

"So, virgins! Any of y'all plan on having your first time in Dallas?!", Onika bluntly asked.

The question was pretty much for Reneé, Courtney, Megan, Normani and also Kelly. Rihanna silently prayed Kelly would say yes!

"I don't know....if I feel like it...", Kelly said with a smirk.

She was enjoying teasing Rihanna.

"Baby, please! I'll do you right!", Rihanna begged on one knee.

"Not you begging for the pussy!", Beyoncé exclaimed as the other girls laughed.

"I'm not used to hearing no from girls! But I'm glad you're not easy lowkey", Rihanna said to Kelly. Causing the dark skinned beauty to smile.

"Well, it's all up to Mani. I'm not forcing my baby to do it", Megan said.

"No....I think I'll be ready", Normani said.

"What about the swirl team over here?!", Onika asked.

"Well, it's up to Coco. But I definitely want to be with her", Reneé replied.

"I think I might be ready too....", Courtney said.


Reneé couldn't sleep. She was thinking about her and Courtney being together sexually of course. But she was also thinking about her mom. She went to the bathroom to have some privacy....She closed her eyes and talked to her great-grandparents....

"Hi, Grandma and Grandpa.....it's me, Reneé....I know I look and sound a lot different from the five year old that you loved taking to get ice cream every Sunday.  But it's me......

I know you miss my mom....that is if she's not up there with you....My girlfriend Coco says her grandma gave her sign that mom is still alive. So.....I was wondering if you two could please give me a sign as well. Two signs actually..... If mom is still alive, have a  red bird fly by me. That would be the first sign....

For the second sign, please have a random dog show up on our doorstep since mom was always obsessed with dogs.

These two signs will let me know she's really out there somewhere. Thanks....Good night grandma and grandpa...."

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