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¡WARNING! This book has short chapters (on purpose.) So please take this fact lightly. Now enjoy the book :)


As I wake up from my bed, I find myself to be late to school. I feel dizzy, and uninterested in going anyway. I had a vision, as if something was going to terrorize my life again. I've tried everything possible. Everyday has been the same ever since that day. Everyday I've tried to regain myself to be my old self again. My name is Jax. Jax Trevor. I remembered a sign of life. I remembered my parents. It doesn't mean much now does it? Doesn't matter. Recently, ever since I remembered the prophecy that my mother told me, something felt different. He said "Every 3 years, a portal opens up by a nearby cave. That is a fairy tale called the "Unknown World." I'm a very curious kid, and I think to myself, "I wonder if this is real." I don't believe in fairy tales. But something was different. It's the same feeling I remember when I talked to my father that day. I remember back to all the people that went missing after a strange feeling. Lex, James, and Trent all went missing throughout the years. It was Trent first, then Lex, then James. The 3 missing students. It means I might have the power to be the fourth. I packed my things and began to head to the cave. I felt a horrible sensation after walking for some time. I thought that i'd had a sickness; but it wasn't a sickness. I reached the cave just in time, and chose to enter. I felt sick, as if something were growing inside this cave. The farther I get, the worse the feeling gets. As soon as I got deep into the cave, I heard crackling noises and saw a gigantic portal, and it was sucking me in. I tried to grab myself to a nearby ledge, but the force pulled me in. I began falling. "Will I really die here, all alone?". My thoughts were cut short, as the force still pulled me in. "What do I have to lose, my parents are dead anyway..." I fell down and landed on some flowers, and woke up in a strange village. It wasn't any ordinary village though. It was more than that.


Ever since a portal appeared, my life changed for the worst. People went missing, I became something I didn't want to be. I remembered to breathe and keep calm though. I felt hope after that day. The village was small, and strange. I looked down at my hands to find out that electricity was pouring down them. I thought to myself "What is happening? Maybe I can think of something and it'll bring me to it!" I pointed and thought about a cityscape where everything was peaceful. I opened a portal, but it wasn't a city. It was a tower of some sort. Something like a puzzle appeared. I say to myself, "Red, Yellow, Purple and Green? What can this mean?" A block puzzle. I was never good at these. I remember the days when my father told me to solve these puzzles. It was a nice day. I look down to the ground. "That's it! I think I know it!" I said excitedly. The ground had the 4 colors aligned to a corner, and I found out. The steps came out and it was now up to me to climb. I heard a rumbling sound before a timer appeared before me. I took a quick second to think about this. It's like something started to crash down. Then I realized, the platforms came back into place. I slipped and fell down, as I saw my life flash. But then something, or someone grabbed me by my red sweater. "Hey, you looked like you needed a hand, I'm here to help." said the stranger. "What the-" I stutter. "W-Who are you?" I reply. "My name is Onix. I almost suffered the same fate as you 20 years ago," says Onix. "But what's your name kid?" He continues. "My name is Jax. Jax Trevor." He sounds calming. He had a strange feeling. Like as if he had my same emotions 20 years ago. He pulled me up and spawned a portal, and we were now in a city. "Welcome to Magen City," he said. "Who's Magen?" I respond with a face of confusion. "I need to tell you about him, He's wild! He's been here for sometime now, He's the face of our reality!" He responds. "Yeah, indeed you do." The city was large, with Magen's Statues all over. This guy must be really famous if he has a lot of statues around his own city. He looks more like a celebrity than a political face of reality. This isn't what I expected. I expected a dystopia, a dark one at most. But this world looks happy and really exciting. I wonder how James and Trent are. Maybe they're still best friends from kindergarten. Maybe Lex is still baking great cookies with her mom. I hope that this reality is better than my old one for sure. This city reminds me of me and my father, a pure rollercoaster of emotions. My mom used to tell me how dark and bad this fairy tale was. Maybe that's why she never told me about it. Now I come to see that this isn't anything dark, or bad, or ghoulish. I'm just in a neon city.

I hear a faint voice. As if something was calling me. I distance myself from Onix, as fog comes around both of us. "Onix! What do we have here?" says the silhouette. "You scared me for a second. What's up Magen?" He comes out of the fog. "Ah yes! So, this is the kid who almost fell down right?" says Magen in a grim tone, "How do we welcome our guest here?" Magen sounds like he's been in battle with something. I notice this but say nothing about it. "Well, have you found Cyanide yet?" says Onix. "No. he's stronger than most who crossed here. If he didn't accept being a protector then maybe-'' Magen is cut-off by Onix, "Well man, I would've done the same if my parents got killed by someone that looks royal!" They remind me of James and Trent. I wonder who Cyanide is. He sounds like someone I don't wanna cross paths with anytime soon. I think to myself, "Man. These guys are friends? It looks like David and Goliath." I remember when I used to talk to people half my size, like Lex. She was pretty nice to me, and I always wondered if she liked me. I loved her at school, she was always so stunning and gorgeous. I think I'm getting carried away. Magen turns to me, "So are you supposed to be the new destroyer of the realm?" He sounds grim. He stares into my soul. I replied, "What is a destroyer?" I say that as I try to think of something better. "A Destroyer in the Unknown World is someone who ends the realm. This world is corrupting, and we're trying to move to something better. This world doesn't want to end though. People have tried to end it. 2 people have tried to end it. They failed in doing so, but you seem like you have it down." Magen replied to me. I don't really think I have it figured out. Usually I would try to make it seem like a normal conversation, but this was weird. Something I couldn't make out type of weird. I felt a sensation of darkness arise. Something I couldn't shake off. I thought I would usually shake it off, but I couldn't. Magen takes notice of this, "Jax. What's wrong?" I just look at him with a face of distortion. Someone came to this dimension and I remembered something. "THEY'RE COMING, MOVE!" Onix screams this, and grabs me by my arm and pulls me over. My vision fades to black as I fall down. I wake up in a bed, and see Onix sitting next to the bed. "Why didn't you listen?" He says in an angry tone. "What..happened?" I reply. I can't remember much after I passed out. All I remember was rocks flying toward me and things crashing down. "Usually I would be more harsh," Onix says "I grabbed you and you just fell." I don't feel like trying to stand. Sometimes I wonder if I'm even meant to be here. "Genuinely, I don't feel like speaking right now. I don't care about standing right now, so you yelling at me isn't going to fix much." I replied to Onix, but he just pulled me out and yanked my arm. "Magen needs to speak with you." Onix is daunting. He seems cool, but all he's doing right now is just being annoying and dragging me around like a puppet. Something must be very wrong if Magen wants to speak to me. We get to the personal office. "Jax, if you want to stay in my city. You'll have to learn to protect yourself," Magen says "Me and you will have to fight in order for you to be here. Prove yourself to be a destroyer." I was confused, I didn't understand. They escorted me to the training arena and left me there with only a sword. "Uh, what am I supposed to do with this?" I say with chills running down my spine. "Now's your time to prove yourself to the boss," says the guard. I suppose the only thing right now is to fight. I'm thrown into the arena and begin fighting.

I settled in to commence the battle with him. He's menacing, and I know he has something planned. I swing my sword to his direction but he dodges my incoming attack. I panicked and accidentally opened a portal that threw me behind him. "What the-" I hear him confused and in a tone I haven't heard before. Magen was scared for the first time. "This place is portal-proof. No way you have that much energy." Magen says this in a startled tone. He began questioning how I did it. I just kept fighting and with one swing of my sword I finally cut him. I thought this meant it was over, a false alarm. It wasn't. He moves in for an attack and he cuts my arm. I began hurting but I couldn't give up now. "Are you finished yet?" He asks, "Not quite." I say with confidence. I begin thinking about my moves and what I should do next. I swing my sword and think about going behind him. The portal opens below me and I jump in behind him, returning the painful cut. "D-Damn kid. I think we're done here. No more fooling around." He says. He got faster and started dashing and then suddenly, I passed out. I wake up in a room that was small and empty. I hear Onix and Magen from a distance. " Is he even prepared? Why did you even think about doing that?" Onix says this in a quiet voice, "I don't think he was prepared Onix. You need to remember that he's just a kid. Why could he even spawn portals?" Magen replies to Onix in a loud voice. I felt something drag me away and then I see the building I was in. "Look, kid. You don't have much time. So stop dragging your feet." This mysterious voice was something I couldn't avoid. "H-huh?" I replied. "You're damaged, he placed everything into that strike," It responds back to me. "Here, take these things. They'll help you in the long run later. The watch has my number already integrated, call if you need assistance." He disappears in a portal as I sit there. He handed me a watch and an apple. I felt a sharp pain in my back. It was a cut and I know it. I place the watch on my wrist, and I begin running. I ran and jumped through a portal that could lead me to a cave. I enter through the portal with a rush of pure adrenaline. I boot up the watch and I go into the contacts. I'm shocked to see my name as one of the contacts on the watch. I begin calling what appears to be myself. "Sup kid, so it seems you may have a little bit of questions or are you in danger?" Jax says. "Well uh, I'm very confused for one. Why do you have my exact name, Why did you take me out of the building, and how am I calling you?" I replied. "To start off, I'm Jax Trevor. The alternate version of you. The story should be the same for you, but just call me Reality Realm Jax. Anyway, Magen is horrible. I need every single one of the versions to know this. Magen is the whole reason your realm is corrupting." He says, "What do you mean? He seems like a great guy!" I say. "Well I'm pleased to say that he isn't a good guy. Onix may help you, but be careful. Onix is Magen's top warrior. He'll try to kill you when he sees Magen. Oh well, that's all the time I got for today, uhm I'll call you later!" He hung up. I jump through another portal, and now this time I wind up in a sort of sweet, candied dimension.

I fall onto this candy-corn style trampoline and I meet someone here. "Hi! My name's Jess! What's yours?" she says to me with a smile of joy. It's like she's run through this many times. "Uh, hi? My name is Jax." I replied. I look around and this universe is filled with chocolate, candy, and many other things that involve candy. She might even be made of candy by the way she looks. "I heard from another person that you might land here!" She says this looking at me weirdly. "And who told you that?" I say with confusion. I don't think that a stranger told her this. Maybe Magen or Onix did. Speaking of which, I should call Reality Realm Jax. I still wonder if Realms and Universes are the same. I mean they literally- Nevermind. "Huh? Is something wrong?" Jess says. "No, no. Nothing's wrong. It's alright really." I feel a sense. This is a setup. I can't trust her. "Hey, uhh. I gotta go." I ran off to somewhere else. I hear someone from a distance, "THERE HE IS!" It's Magen. I need to run fast. I have an incoming call from Jax, "Yo, sup man! It really isn't going too good for you huh?" He says. "I DON'T THINK CALLING ME WAS A GOOD IDEA!" I replied, "Oh well. Take a left and then take a right. Go to the chocolate cove. We'll talk better in there!" he said. I went to the cove and started talking. "Alright, what?" I say, "Oh yeah my bad, alright so. Look, you need to move everywhere. No matter where you go, He will find you. Oh wait, gotta go. See you-" His voice gets muffled. I ended the call and saw Onix standing right in front of me. "Soo, how's your chat going?" He grabbed me and slammed me onto the ground. I grunt in pain. "I GOT HIM MAGEN, COME HERE!" Onix yelled out to Magen. "LET ME GO!" I shout in disbelief. I can't do much now. I just have to wait it out to see what happens. Actually, I think I shouldn't. I spawn a portal underneath us, and we begin falling. We fall to the ground in Magen City, at least I think it is. "Why are you being so DIFFICULT?" Onix screams to me. I pick up a sword laying on the ground, ready to fight. "To talk to you, I need to." I say. "Magen needs me to kill you. I have no other choice." Onix's voice sounds corrupt. His voice isn't like when we first met. I went silent after he said that. I hear a portal sound behind me, and I see Magen stand there. "Hey kid." He said this before he punched me and left me unconscious. I woke up in a strange room, and I'm tied up to a chair. "I'm certain you know what you did Jax." Magen says. "W-what..?" My voice hurts, as if I could barely scream. I don't know what he did to me, but I can't move or do anything. "You see Jax, I don't think you know what you're doing." His voice is so faint and corrupt. I struggle and try to get out. "Sometimes kid, these things are for your own good." Magen says. I try to spawn a portal but it isn't working. Magen noticed my intent a while ago. I finally got a portal to spawn just in time as he tried to pick up a baseball bat to hit me with. I start falling from the portal to reach another dimension. I don't think it worked too well though because now I'm in a dark void. It is empty and filled with pure emptiness. The echo surrounds the void as I'm stuck here until my powers regain fuel.

I guess I'm stuck here until the end of time. I thought this may have been the end, Until I received a voice message from Jax. "Yo, sup. You think you're stuck here? Just try spawning a portal until it works." He says. I try to spawn a portal, and I do just that. Within many failed attempts, it finally began opening and it finally worked. I jump through the portal with a rush of pure excitement. I land on solid concrete and I don't really feel all that great. I forgot why I even came here anyway. These dimensions have been crazy. Everywhere I go, I get the same feeling. I remember back to when this happened back in school. One of the bullies took a step to hurt Lex. I helped her and fought even though I knew there wasn't a possible chance of winning. I will never forget the look on his face when I kept getting back up everytime he tried hitting me with something good, and now I realize that this isn't a game but instead it's real life. Maybe it could be a dream but now it's time to begin my trials and face this terror. I can't cut it too short. So let me get settled. I begin my tracks by going down an alley. This was another city. The people around looked at me, thinking I was probably some old hobo lurking around. I mean with the grass and leaves on my puffy and spiked hair, I can see why people are looking at me funny. I've always felt a sense of grief everytime I go into an alley. Meh, doesn't matter. I have to pay attention to what's important. I can't mess up like I used to. I'm in a life or death situation. I have people hunting me down from other dimensions and now I might be known as a multiversal threat. Not a very good look on me or anything really. I may be the next destroyer but this doesn't mean much if people around me are trying their hardest to kill me. I may have no chance of winning, but I will win regardless. A guy comes up to me. "Hello, my name is Clyde. You look like you need help, maybe I can offer you something?" He says. "If you're with Magen, or Onix. I'm not interested in anything." I reply back with a grim face. "I despise Magen. I don't find interest in becoming a face of reality." Clyde responds. He seems damp, like he's tried to avoid speaking anything about him at all. This may be the first time he's been able to speak freely about him. "Hey, do you mind looking up by the way?" He says. I look up and I see a health bar. Is this a video game universe?! Sweet! I've always wondered what it would be like in video games. "A health bar? That seems interesting." I say happily. "So you wanna have a chat?" He says. I've never been too good at talking with strangers. I nod my head greatly and I'm happy to finally attempt talking to someone who at least isn't trying to kill me. I begin to finally relax as he finally asks the questions. "Oh by the way, I'm a blacksmith. I can forge you a sword if you would like me to do so." He says. How does he know that I fight with a sword? Doesn't matter. He may have been fired by Magen. "Yeah, sure. That'll be great." I hear inconspicuous talking when he forges the sword together. He finally hands it over to me. It's pretty fast, well I guess since we're in a video game world, we get faster time like the ones in video games. I want to think to myself that things might finally be getting better. I'm finally not being chased by 2 faces of reality, or getting attacked wherever I go. I'm finally getting glee and happiness for once. As he hands me the sword, He tells me this, "We can go to the training dummies downstairs by the way." "Jeez man, how many floors do you have?" I respond. "Way too many to count," he says. I'm finally ready to have peace. I can't wait for what happens next now.

I have arisen from the surface, what's left is that I try my best to make an escape from the past and get to the present. I forgot most of what happened in the past, traumatic events keep haunting me though. I can never forget the days in the past. I sit in silence as Clyde forges a sword for me, as I think about the dark days. "Do you need anything to drink Jax?" Clyde says whilst forging. How does he know my name? Or does this work in player cards like traditional video games? Who knows anymore. "Excuse me, how do you know my name?" I say quietly. "Your level appears above your head, so does your name. It will display when you level up." He says in a nice tone. I still don't think I'm meant to be here. I don't know how many days I've been gone. If this is all just a dream, then I don't want to wake up from it. I've gone on many adventures, but this one is just purely different. I place my face to have an emotion of happiness but Clyde is generally confused. "Hey? Are you alright? Why do you seem so happy?" He says, "Shouldn't you be a little concerned about what might happen between you and Magen?" I don't know what Magen will do, but something's been throwing me off. How come they want to look for me? Is he just trying to turn me into a boring guard? Why do they want me to be with them so bad? I suddenly receive a text from my watch. It's from Jax. The text reads, "Hey, man. I just want to warn ya, Clyde may seem well, but he sure can be puzzling. If you are confident in him, then go for it. I'm sure of it." What? Impossible. No way that he's anyway in the category of puzzling! But what would happen if he is? And I've just been lying to myself this whole time? I doubt it. I have no doubt that if he was hiding something, he would've told me right away. I don't know what else there is to it. I guess now I will try and level up to be stronger. "Oh yeah Jax, forgot to mention. This world gives you video game-like abilities after you leave. Once you leave here, you gain a health bar, a stamina meter, and an ability meter. Well forget the ability meter, you can probably use portals a lot." Clyde says with a rather neat tone. "Yeah, how did you know this?" I respond with a confused look on my face. I'm confused about what he means by ability meter. I can understand the health-bar, but an ability meter is nuts. Why am I stressing about this? I have no idea anymore. Me and Clyde hear a knock at the door, before a Magen Agent bursts through the door. "Jax, we need you to cooperate. I am here to take you back to the city." The Agent says. Me and Clyde move fast and he hands me my new sword. I quickly sliced through the agent which left him at zero HP. My hands started to shake as I heard another knock at the door. "Jax, we need to leave. Now." Clyde says in a frustrated manner."I'm trying dude!" I replied. I spawned the portal and we left quickly. We begin to head to another dimension, and he asks me this question, "DUDE! HOW DO YOU TRAVEL LIKE THIS!?" I reply, "You'll get used to it." We landed back in the candied dimension, but this wasn't what I saw a while ago. The dimension now looked corrupted and thrown away.

I felt empty, I remember this being a sight I didn't enjoy. It reminds me to check and ask Jax about this very situation. I call him through my watch and he doesn't pick up. Good grief. I was trying too hard so I just turned over to Clyde. He's in shock. An emotion I haven't seen in a long time. It's something I really couldn't ignore. As I go up to ask Clyde, he looks at me from the side and grins. "What's so funny?" I ask. He's as quiet as a mouse. I can't figure out why he's smiling like that. Now he looks creepy and pretty alarming. I hear something open near us, and he looks the other direction. "Clyde, we need to move, and fast!" I say, but he didn't bother even to look at me. "Sorry it had to be like this." Clyde says before he spawned a portal where I was standing. I scream out. I was filled with anger. Jax was giving me a warning but I failed to comply. I land in a jungle, not sure where I am now. I try to look for clues to get me out of here. But man, I'm damp. I landed in a wet area. Now what? I hope there's someone who can clean my clothes later. I'm generally getting bored. I constantly keep getting betrayed by idiots and they tell me- Why am I rambling in my head, there's people out to kill me right now. It might be a few more minutes before the guards or even Magen come to take me out. So it might as well be time to run, and fast. I've kept going back and forth through this time, but hey at least I got a cool health-bar and a mighty sword on my back. The only thing I did wish was that we had some inventory slots, that would've made this experience way better. Speaking about inventory, did my backpack get left in that room?! I need the supplies. I begin spawning a portal to try and get me to that room, I enter through and find it quickly, but a wild Onix was there to catch. "So you came back for that?" He says, "Aren't you meant to be running?" I can't tell which it would be though. "I suppose yeah, but why are you chill about me just entering this room like that?" I say. "I'm off-duty. Magen fired me right after letting you escape." He says, "I can't believe he's really looking for you badly, even though you successfully destroyed many of his plans. Your reality jumping is really useful eh?" It's true, I don't know why I possess so much power. I also can't remember what happened. I remember someone who told me I shine, and that I shoot for the stars too much. I can't find out why I can't remember who told me this. "Well, kid. There's much you have to learn later. Just take your bag and leave. I can't help you out any further." Says Onix. I say goodbye to him as I'm headed off to see the next challenge. 2 people have left me now, and betraying me was the worst. I thought Clyde would help me, but I guess that leaves me solo. Onix was also really nice, until he decided to help way too much. I guess that's what you get for being stubborn huh? I called Jax to help me figure something out. "Hey, Jax? I want to ask you for a favor. Does this thing always have to be like this?" I ask. "Well, you gotta admit. I don't have an answer to that question, but you will figure it out as you go along." He replies, "Is that all you want to ask?" He asks me in a pleasant manner. "Yes, this is all I've come to ask." I left the dimension and now I realize what one person can do to others. Onix looked completely scared, and afraid. I have to stop him, but right now I have to do my best to rest. I now find my way through and open a portal down to some place familiar. It was a place where I could find myself eating, drinking, and having fun. But this didn't look like anything I would mess around with. It was dark and mysterious. It wasn't like the rest. This thing was worse. It was something...Unknown.


An Unknown World [OLD VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now