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As I fall through the portal, I see a landscape. Grass and trees cover the area as I fall down. The portal gets smaller and smaller when finally, CRASH! CRACK! I fall onto soft grass. The landing wasn't so solid though. "Ouch. That landing hurt." My health bar flashes red as I take food from my backpack. I try getting up, yet my back is in a state of pain, unimaginable to a regular person. I finally got up after laying for a little bit. "Dang. That landing wasn't secure. Where am I?" The field was well made and cut. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and I'm shocked to find out that I finally have service. "But how?" I thought. It made no sense of how I was able to contact through my regular phone. Well, now we're at a point of no return. I get up with a sharp pain in my back. I hear a portal spawn just around 2 miles away from where I am. "Huh?" I think, "Now there's more Magen soldiers after me. Great." I look to the side and I see someone. "Hey. Stop right there." I hear the person say. He's wearing faded out science goggles. The white hair looks familiar, same alongside the shoes he's wearing. Is that..Trent? "Hey, Trent what's up?" I said. "My name isn't Trent. My name is Cyanide. I work solo, so don't even ask to work with me Jax," He said, "You are under heavy arrest for trespassing into this world without authority." What? No way he's not Trent. The hair matches and his outfit matches too. There isn't a way that isn't him! I stare him down for a few seconds before I eventually start running again. I try to hold him up with portals before I eventually run out of stamina. I realize I can't fight due to my health being low. So my best choice is really to run. As I keep going, His speed starts to increase. The portals are my only choice. "STOP RUNNING!" said Cyanide as he gets faster and faster. I kept running along with my portals but now, he finally caught up. "Finally. I caught you. You really persist don't you?" Said Cyanide, "Look, I'll let you off the hook. Just send us to a different dimension." Said Cyanide. I'm suspicious, no way he would really betray one of his old friends like that! I check and see what he has. He's a gunsman. But his belt contains way too much. He definitely has a lot of power. The realm really did give him a lot. Now I see why Magen was struggling. "You think I'm going to take that offer like an idiot?" I said in a relatively angry tone, "I don't need to play your game." Seems like now I might get into real trouble. "Fine, if that's what you want to do." He said. I took off running. Not a single sight of me left. I sprinted as fast as I possibly could down and now I ended up in a cityscape. I want to stop at how pretty it is, but I need to focus. The running made me end up on a building, and now I teleport from building to building. "Come here and this would end up in your favor!" Said Cyanide. I'm not falling for Trent's tricks anymore. Not as long as my determination lasts. I luckily opened a portal and successfully escaped. I now fell down as the portal spawned beneath my feet.

I regained myself. I think I've gotten more used to this portal traveling thing. It was actually pretty weird at first, but now it's started to get a little better. I find myself in a cave. A small fire starts burning up near the edge. The armor crackles off of my body as I walk down a path. It felt like I was touching something. Some sort of skin type of creature. It was disfigured. One eye was on one side, the other on the upper side of his head, his arms were on separate sides of his body, and he was just pure goop. The cave was also caving in. Not a good sign, I think. I need to spawn a portal quickly before I die. I can't see anything. Not a peep. The circular portal finally spawned. I took off diving straight into the portal. I can't believe I'm really still intact. I fall onto hardwood, which leaves me in a lot of excruciating pain. It's unbearable to even imagine. I get up though. I eat an apple and regain some health. The current state of me is in another type of crazy. I get up willingly and check my backpack. Man. I need to restock. I have barely anything. They must've fallen in the battle with Magen, but now I kind of need to work on getting supplies. I'm so thirsty, I'm lucky I have a little bit of water though. I drink it, knowing that now I need to find a world with freshwater on it. I've tried going to my world and going back home, but it always said something like "Sorry! Not allowed!" Everytime I would try to go home. It seems like there isn't an escape. I look around to find some sort of supplies, yet I find myself in some sort of..Cabin? It looks like I may be in a forest. That means, there might be water around here! I open the door to see the outside. FInally, somewhere peaceful. The land was enjoyable, the breeze was also nice. I found a pond near some mud and finally started collecting the water. Surprisingly not as difficult as I thought it would be. I head out and I see some types of troops. Their armor was as white as Cyanide. Wait, Cyanide?! No way he is able to send people to different dimensions too. I thought Onix was also as powerful as me? I hide behind, and I hear a conversation between the troops. "Are you sure he was here?"
"If the boss told us to do it then he must be here."
"That's what Magen said to his troops before he lost his battle with him."
"Sure, but what about that bunny hatted girl?"
"The boss will tell us to find her later."
What bunny hatted girl? She must be someone that we both know. I know Cyanide is Trent, but what bunny hatted girl? That could be Lex. I drink some water before I finish up my duties there. Now that I know some more people are after me, I know what to do. I must get my stuff and leave fast. I now go back inside of the cabin after I finish hiding in the bushes. I need to put the pieces together before someone else might. So now It's up to me to stop the dangers going on.

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